
I have a daughter but im not workin and im in need of an apartment is there anywhere cheap for me?

by  |  earlier

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in need of a place to stay




  1. It would help a lot if you said what area you are looking for

  2. Good luck. It's a good idea to be more stable before having more kids.

  3. There is most likely low income housing, if you said where u were we could help more...

  4. No decent place will rent to you with out income.  you could try the low income housing where the govt pick up some of the bill, but those are not the nicest or safest places to live.

  5. Contact Social Services in your area. They should help you find housing, help you get basic furnishings (they won't be new) They can help you with job training so you can become  self sufficient. Also apply for food stamps and at least get a medical card for your daughter. Good Luck

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