
I have a daughter who is getting picked on what should i do?

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she is in middle school. she wants to stay home all the time and every morning she crys cause she has to deal with there c**p. please help me.




  1. another idea try talking to the parents of who's picking on your girl ..  

  2. You have to give her real good comebacks!  This is heartbreaking the way kids tease each other and because they are kids they take everything to heart.

    Like if they say " nice shirt loser" tell her to say "THANKS honey, I got it from your mom"


  3. Why is she getting picked on?  She still has to go to school, even if she's getting bullied.  Staying home is not going to solve anything.

  4. getting picked on in school is VERY serious.  Talk to the teacher, No better yet take it straight to the principal ASAP

  5. look at homeschooling. Normally I would not say this but I can tell you as someone that was bullied, this will effect her for the rest of her life. She is crying out for help because she is not coping. Get her involved with as many outside intrests as possible so she can keep up the social side of things and homeschool her

  6. I suggest let her do extra activities after school. Say if she likes soccer, then make friends that do soccer.

  7. talk to the principle about it without letting your daughter know. thats what my mom did to me. i told her about it and she handled it with the principle but in my case i was threatened to be beat up because i was the new kid. but i think you should handle it before it goes to far.

  8. Teach her how to fight. Have her take some muay thai kickboxing classes or something similar. If she gets suspended one time, its worth it to keep them away from her. Things like this sometimes result in permanent depression in adult hood which will affect her entire life. If they think they can get away with it, it will only get worse as she enters High School. Things like this sometimes even lead to suicide so I would be very careful with her right now. If you tell a teacher, they are not always suddle and may make the situation worse because then she will be known as a tattle tale and get picked on even worse.

  9. Depends on what the people at school are doing, but it sounds as though it has gone beyond the normal middle school stuff and that she is being the victim of bullying. I would go to her school and talk with the dean or principle, etc. You could talk with a councelor, but in my own experience, they didnt really help much but offer peer mediation.

    I was bullied in middle school and my mom went to the councelor, but they continued, even got worse after mediation. I wanted to stay home, fake being sick, even cried over my cereal in the morning. My mom is a wonderful parent who I love dearly but this is a sore spot in my life that I felt she should have done every thing to protect me from this (even as an adult now) and if all else failed relocated me to a different school. I was in private, so changing might not have been as difficult, but I would definitely go to the school, name the girls, and let the school know that this will not be tolerated. If they do nothing or are not doing enough to remedy the situation, you should go to the superintendant, if need be, or file harrassment charges on the girls with the law. Whatever it takes!! Before it emotionally scars your daughter for life, as it has in my own situation. Good luck!

  10. First talk with her about what the specific thing is that the other kids are picking on her about. It might be something she is doing and not realizing it. Then go to the school and speak with her teacher and get a feel for what goes on in class and ask the teacher if she has notcied anything and if she would keep an eye out for anything and let you know. Sometimes if you can be involved in things that go on in school functions and volunteer, you get to know the kids and parents and it seems to make things easier for your own kids, as long as you are a nice mom to the other kids.Good luck. School is always tough for kids and bullies should be dealt with.Once a bully-always one.

  11. Find out who they are or she/he is and bring it up to the principal.

    No child should live like this...

  12. As a former victim of bullying and peer abuse, may I suggest changing schools. It is only gonna get worse before it gets better and if it gets any worse she could fall into a depression and possibly cause herself bodily harm. If you go to the principal or the teachers , they will only help half of the problem. Kids nowadays are smart. They will only get at her when the teachers and principal aren't looking. If you feel that you should not have to switch schools then you should enroll her in a self defense class or teach her to have a real tough skin and help her with sassy comebacks. Give her permission to fight. Not go and pick a fight with them, but if they should touch her in any harmful way, beat the **** out of them all. After showing that she can fight too they will more than likely leave her alone. But if all else fails, transfer her out quickly. Tell her to take it from me, it will most def, get better.

  13. Talk to her teacher and principal. Ask them to keep a close eye on her and find out who is bullying her.

    Then once you find out, possibly talk to the parents of the other children.

    Middle school is a tough time and just be supportive and take caution when talking to her.

  14. Talk to the teachers and principle - most schools have a zero bullying policy these days - they will take care of the problem.

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