
I have a daughter who is going to turn 4 I'm confused about what to get her for her birthday.?

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I was thinking polly pockets or littlest pet shop and now I don't know. Someone recommended little people. We have a very small house and don't have a lot of room for big toys I know she loves playing with her little sisters barn. I don't know what to get her though please help




  1. Polly Pockets sound good, I used to love those.

    But ask her what she would like.

  2. For Christmas, my grandma used to make me write a list or circle things in the Sears or JCPenney catalog that I wanted.  Then she got me one of the things.  It was nice cos it was something I wanted but still a surprise.  Maybe a toysrus catalog?  Something you can look through and see what catches her eye and then get something within your budget.

  3. Just ask her, she will tell you a list of things she really wants and you can go from there.  I found when my boys turned 3 that it works best to just ask them what would be on the top of their list and they always tell me.

  4. I work with children and thought you might like my input.  I recommend play things which help her to emulate you.  i.e. a little broom, mop which you can usually get in toy shops or plastic cooking utensils, cheap bubble bath and a big plastic dish she can use to wash them up in.  Even simpler: Draw in black texta on a square cardboard box k***s/handles to copy an oven and give her a square piece of thick cardboard to act as an oven tray and some home made playdough and playdough cutters.  A little handtowel and matching face-washer with her name embroidered onto it - things they can call their own with their name on - 4 year olds love!  If you do gardening - some toy shops or hardware shops sell childrens little tools to help with gardening.  All these types of toys/play things give her a sense of "helping" and therefore foster self esteem or they help her to understand the world around her. Or if you want to go creative: buy a bag of scrap coloured paper, child safe scissors and glue and some empty boxes.     If you wish to foster hand/eye co-ordination and concentration: puzzles, threading beads.  I could go on and on but I won't. Oh - yes one last thing - take her to a farm if she loves the barn and also "Littlest Pet Shop" I own from when my girl was little and we all loved playing that game as a family for years!  She got it around 3 or 4 and we stopped playing it probably around aged 10.  Enjoy.

  5. she needs nothing since she's probably got more junk than she could ever use.  spend a special day with her doing the things she wants to do & put a large deposit into her college account.

  6. Has  your daughter said she likes Polly Pockets or LPS?  I would go with the LPS, my  6yo daugher just LOVES them and has been collecting them for the last 2 or 3 years.

  7. I know my daughter loves both the LPS and Polly Pockets and has been collecting LPS since she was 3 & 1/2.  If you know she likes little farm set maybe get her one that is age appropriate for her. You could walk with her in a local store and asked her what things she thought looked fun and come back a later time to get it. We do this with our daughter at christmas time.

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