
I have a degree in social work but I am interested in teaching what steps do i need to take to achieve this.?

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I have a degree in social work but I am interested in teaching what steps do i need to take to achieve this.?




  1. I'm assuming that it is a bachelor's degree, if not - you have to have a bachelor's degree to go this route.  If you have a bachelor's degree, you can simply "challenge" the certification tests.  In Texas, you would challenge your content area test and the Professional and Pedagogy Responsibilities (PPR) test.  By passing those and completing your fingerprints/background check, you would be certified.  Be aware, however, that without a proper amount of credit hours in your subject area, you may not be considered "well-qualified" by No Child Left Behind and many school districts are wary of hiring those candidates.  That may change with our new president, but as of now that is the rule.  From speaking with people who have gone the "alternate" certification route, they will tell you that it is difficult to complete and difficult to find a job.  Almost all of them recommend trying to become certified through a bachelor's degree or a post-bac program at an accredited university.  You would have to check with your college's Department of Teacher Education about that.  Hope that helps and best of luck!

  2. go to a community college and speak with the education advisor. then ask about getting certified. maybe you'll need to take a course or two (am not sure) but do get certified..."teacher cert."

    hope this helps ;)

  3. Each state will be different, but in general you will need to do a teacher credential - in CA this is a post secondary one year program that you could easily do.  You would need to decide at what level and in what area.  You BSW does qualify you to go on in this direction.  Now you alternately could look at going on for your MSW (Advanced Standing you can do this in a year) and look at going into school social work.


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