
I have a desire to work and live in Canada.?

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Do you think my British pronunciation would be a problem of communication or something? For example, would most employers set a qualification that bears you have to be able to speak with standard Canadian pronunciation? Are there many people speak with British pronunciation in Canada?




  1. I am a US citizen, but I live near British Columbia and I have known many Canadians.  In general, they speak English and pronounce it much like we Americans do.  But you can tell the difference when you listen carefully to them, they have a slight lilt in their word expressions I cannot exactly describe.  I have not known any Canadians who pronounce words with a British tongue and so you would stand out as a Britisher I would suspect.  

    I cannot speak for employers in Canada, but I would think you would have no problem there (except, maybe in Quebec - French speakers there, of course).  I think you would probably fit right in.  I have known a few other Britishers who migrated to Canada and they seem to do just fine.  One man from Britain I knew was a sales representative for a very large food gum manufacturer and lived in Canada but came down to visit accounts here in the Northwest.  He did just fine in Canada.

    So I think you are worried about something that doesn't make any difference.

  2. It depends on how thick your accent is.  I don't have a problem understanding most people but once I met a guy from Bolton and for the life of me I could not understand but a word out of 10 that the guy was saying.  I would ask him to repeat himself and then again and then I'd just nod and say ok.  Seemed to work

    Can immigrants in the UK understand you when you talk to them?  If yes, then you will not have a problem in Canada.  Half the people there are immigrants from somewhere else anyway and nobody cares.

  3. It won't make any difference.  A lot of people here have an accent from somewhere.  I have an accent from the southern United States, not very common here, and no one cares.  Actually my employer loves it and sometimes has me say things just so she can see how I say it.

    Both of my husbands parents are British and have a British accent, they live in Ontario.  No problem.

    I think you are worried about nothing.  We are all different in some way or another.  

  4. I live in British Columbia, Canada. There aren't very many British people around here, but have met a few. I'm sure your British pronunciation will not give you a problem when looking for a job. In fact, I would imagine that many employers like British accents if you are working in customer service. Your British accent may give you an advantage, since many Canadians find them to be attractive. However, I find some accents are more difficult to understand than others, and I suppose it depends on which part of Britain you come from.

  5. I don't live in Canada, but i've been there before. No, that wouldn't be a problem. It is kind of a good idea to learn a little french, but everyone speaks english. And, in British Columbia and other areas, there are people in the same situation. I wouldn't worry about it.  

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