
I have a dieting question?

by  |  earlier

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alright at the beginning of the year i weighed 164 lbs and now i weigh 156 and ive kept that much weight off for the past couple of months....

I'm 14 and 5ft 6 and i cant lose any more pounds

i was wanting to lose at least 10 more pounds and i forgot to ask my doctor about it

ive stayed the same weight for about 4 months now and i cant get my weight down any more as hard as ive tried

any suggestions?




  1. You can lose a lot more if you know what you are doing. See this site when you have time to learn how.

  2. Hi! My suggestion would be to try and keep a food diary of what you eat every day. A food diary will help you to keep track of what you're eating as well as your portion sizes. Good luck!


  3. Dont stress losing weight, your very young your body will grow and the weight will be evenly distributed. All i can suggest is get a cereal such as special k or kashis to start off with a health breakfest, if you can for lunch and dinner eat your size portion.  Enough for 1 person following the guide and eat many fruits during the day. Another tip is to be active, join a spor, go to the park, joining a sport will get you in shape in no time

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