
I have a difficult situation :S?

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I'm very confused. My last period was in January around the 12th. My husband and I always had unprotected s*x. We were wanting to conceive a babe. :D At the same time he got transfered to a town five hours away by January. I was planning to move to town at the end of January. I was being stalked by a horrible individual who would not get over the fact that I am married and that I was moving away to be with him. My husband and I did not have s*x till February 1st when he came down to help me move up. We usually have s*x every night unless its been a long day or whatever but we definitely had s*x February 1st we hadnt seen each other for so long. :D

I moved up and I ended up having to go back a week later to settle some things with my landlord. When I got back I went out with some friends not thinking or even caring about my stalker. I figured that he was gone for good out of my life and that maybe he had gotten a clue and would leave me alone. Well whatever my dumb reasoning was he ended up raping me. It was on February 9th. He used a condom but pulled it off at the last minute. He then finished on me. Outside of me not inside. But he was inside me I think before he ejaculated. I was extremely horrified. I was left alone in a basement for a whole night. I was then rescued by my friend who hadnt heard from me. He came back before this guy came back to the dorms. I unfortunately couldnt give much info to the police because he had tied me and raped me from behind. They gave me the morning after pill. I vomited the next day. :S I felt so bad. I returned home to my husband. We kept having s*x because to me it was a reassurance of sorts. I only trust him. We had the longest talk after I came back and he told me he thought I was beautiful and that it didnt matter what had happened to me he thought I was beautiful.

Three months later I found I was pregnant. :D On May 23rd I was officially 16 weeks and day pregnant. Im afraid to deatht that this might not be my husbands babe. I'd like to know what are the chances my babe isnt my husbands. Let it be know Im keeping him no matter what. We already named him, we play with him and talk to him but there is that shadow of fear in my heart. Please help me?




  1. I am so sorry for what happened and I am very glad that you have such a loving supporting husband.  There is a way that you can have a paternity test done before the baby is born with some of the amniotic fluid, you might talk to your doctor about that.  If you took the morning after pill the chances of getting pregnant are supposed to be very slim.  Sixteen weeks on May 23rd would put conception around the first of February so you could have already been pregnant when you went through the horrible ordeal.  The morning after pill would not have hurt the baby if you were already pregnant.

  2. First of all... I am very sorry that you were violated and had to endure what that animal did to you! No one should be made to felt like their thoughts and feelings don't matter. Like they're less than human.

    Secondly, just counting back, it looks like your husband is more than likely the biological father of your son.It sounds like you both are very happy and have a solid marriage. Kudos to both of you for sticking together and supporting each other during such a horrible ordeal.  

  3. well based on what you said if you were 16 weeks as of may 23rd you would of conceived around febuary 22 and the longest a sperm lives is 7 days which would mean it couldn't be that guys baby and you have to think any stress could postpon a period so unless you got pregnant around that day and your due date is halloween and not mid november then i wouldn't worry hun  

  4. Sorry to hear about that.

    You can ask your doctor about a paternity test before the baby is born. From the dates you said, we can't really know which could be the father because there isn't a big time difference between the two. I hope that everything goes well for you and that you're baby is your husband's, if you do find out.

    What is you're angel's name? I love to talk about that!

  5. oh dear.. im so sorry to hear about what happend to you.. :(

    counting from the 1st of january untill may 23rd you would be 22 weeks pregnant or so.. i think you should ask for a paternity test when the baby is born. Goo dluck

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