
I have a digital camera and wondering...

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know where i can buy the USB cord or wutever its called because i lost my last one

or do i have to buy a new camera

my type of camera i have is

Sony 7.2MP Digital Camera - Silver (S750)




  1. ebay would be your cheapest bet. look up a mini usb cord.  

  2. or any electronix store that sells cameras or computers

  3. Buy a card reader instead, just make sure it's one that will read Sony's weird memory cards.

  4. God bless you!  The same thing happened to me with my Kodak SLR!  Because it was 5 years old I couldn't purchase one new, through Kodak or Best Buy.  Finally I went out on Ebay and found it!  It took 2 months to finally locate it.  Later I learn of and someone also recommended amazon, although I am not certain about that.  Best of luck to you!  

    If you go the route of an on-line auction, ask many many question, before purchasing.  This will ensure you are purchasing the correct cord, as camera cords come with many different size tips; someone not knowing could sell you the wrong size!

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