
I have a digital video camera,and when ever i turn it on,and look through the viewfinder all i see is a black?

by  |  earlier

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Screen What is wrong




  1. examine the lens and see if the cover thingy is stilll on!!!

  2. does it have an lcd screen?  if so, can you see the image there?

  3. The other two posters suggested you take the lens cap off...

    Here are some other possibilities:

    Is the LCD panel open? Usually, the camcorder lets you use either the LCD panel OR the view finder - bit not both at the same time.

    Have you checked the exposure setting in your camcorder's menu? See if you can change that and make it brighter. If you don't know how to do that, read the camcorder's manual - if you don't have it, go to the manufacturer's web site - typically, in the "Support" or "Downloads" area, you can download the manual.

  4. the lens cap is on?

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