
I have a dilemma whether to include gravel in the fish bowl.?

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I am using a 1 gallon fish bowl. If i include gravel, fish waste would be unnoticable and rises the nitrites and ammonia level rapidly and i have to remove the fishes first which adds stress for them.If i don't include gravel, those useful bacteria would not be cultured to deal with the ammonia and nitrites level. So which choice is more weighty? in terms of health of fish.




  1. if your worried about the fish, GET A TANK. lemme guessyour gonna house a betta (TROPICAL) or goldfish(es) (needs alottt of water) please, bowls are cruel... get a proper tank

  2. just was it and add it

    no fish can live in a gallon

  3. It is better to add gravel. Removing your fish temporarily won't affect them much.

  4. If a bowl is all u have then don't put fish in it. This is cruel and very stressful for the fish. Until u can get a larger tank u  don't need any fish.

  5. If I had a 1 gallon fishbowl,  I wouldn't use gravel. Yes, it looks prettier, and might help with nitrates, but frankly since it's a small bowl, it's simpler to just do frequent water changes. Keep a gallon of water under the cabinet so it's the same temp and do frequent 1/2 water changes. That also keeps nitrates down since you don't have decomposing food and wastes lingering around.  Maybe give one of those plants that just float so he can nibble and it won't be bare, or maybe add some glass marbles.

  6. I would personally get a bigger.. bowl/tank. 1 gallon really isn't enough room for ANY kind of fish. But, if you're like me and money is tight, then I would suggest getting a little shot glass, or a small container, putting the gravel IN that and then a small plant maybe to go with it for the bacteria to grab on to.

    Also, if it's a bowl and it has no filter, it's really not going to cycle and you'll have to do SERIOUS water changes. I would also recommend getting a liquid reagent test kit so you can keep an eye on the ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte levels.

    You could also trying looking on your local to find a good deal on a bigger tank. I've gotten amazing deals off there!

  7. Simply putting gravel in a bowl will not allow the nitrifying bacteria to colonize and convert ammonia>nitrite>nitrate.  These are aerobic bacteria, and without sufficient oxygen, they won't be able to add oxygen to oxidize the compounds (NH3>NO2->NO3-).  In a stagnant bowl of water, not only will a fish (other than a Betta) suffocate, but the bacteria will as well.  Also, such a small volume of water will not hold a stable temperature and the fluctuation will be more than stressful enough to give you very weak, sickly, dead fish.  Get it a real tank with a real filter and a real heater and you won't have to worry about whether or not you'll wake up to find your fish dead for several years.

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