
I have a dilemma! which do you think is better the navy or the airforce? please explain your answer ?

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Also I hear that in the navy you dont have your own private room like in the airforce! But the navy have better enlisted careers




  1. Neither is better.

    It all depends on what you are looking for.

    You will travel more with the Navy and see more of the world.

    But living conditions are better in the Air Force.

    Job wise, they both offer many of the same jobs.

    But there is no best service, each has its good points and bad points.

  2. Air Force - because jets rock!

  3. air force...being trapped on a ship for 6 months solid ground

    AF all the way!!  the sky is the can work with space systems, or aircraft....tons of great careers...and you wont be trapped on some boat or (even worse) a submarine for months at a time with a bunch of horny guys..yuk

  4. The Navy and Air Force are very different.

    The Air Force treats people better.

    The Navy pays better.

    It depends on what you want, to be treated better. Or to be paid better.

    I went Navy, and I invested my money. I then retired when I got my pension. a lot of folks will complete 20 years in uniform. Very few can retire on that pension. Because they have never had enough money to invest with.

    It is up to you though

    Good luck  :)

  5. The Air Force has good enlisted opportunities.  But to each their own.  I would bet money that if you join the Navy, within a year, you'll say you wished you went in the Air Force.

    I've never heard and airmen wish they went in the Navy, but I've been told numerous times from sailors they wish they went in the USAF (although some of them were just not acceptable by Air Force standards).

    As far as travel... in 3 years, I've been to Italy, Germany, Spain, Luxemburg, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, UAE, Japan, Diego, Singapore (not to mention all over the US)... Lots of traveling... by air... not forever on a ship...

    Edit: Enlisted personnel do fly, the careers are boom operator, engineer, and loadmaster... And there are a vast array of aircraft, ISR, Fighters, Bombers, Mobility, Tanker, AWACS, ect...

  6. Do some research and don't settle with just what sounds good. I was faced with the same problem. You only get stuck on a ship depending on what job you choose. My sister told me to choose air force but the navy had the job I wanted. If you want to go into the air force just so you can fly than forget about it. Only officers get that privilege and you gotta go through a lot of training and school for that. It's not worth it. Navy has pilots too! But think about why you really want to join and consider your options. Having your own room is not always the best reason to consider joining a branch! Good Luck in your decision!

  7. I had to make the same choice, heres the deal,

    pick either if your never gonna get out.

    If you arent sure 100%, then pick the navy. In the air force you specilize in 1 thing, like fixing 1 type of radio on 1 type of aircraft, In the navy that same positions fix's all the electronic gear on an aircraft, which will be used on many types of aircraft. If you get out, you want what you did in the service to be a asset in finding a job.

    And, The navy hs more aircraft then all the other braches (Air force included) combined, and who do the marines belong to.. Yep, the NAVY !

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