
I have a dimple on my chin, but none of my family members have it. is it normal?

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I heard that the butt-chin thing can only be inherited from your family line, but none of my family members have it, so why do I?




  1. Its called a cleft chin where the mandible fails to join or calcify on time. Most of the time it is inherited but it is possible to be isolated to you and possibly your children.

  2. I'm so sorry to have to break this to you here... I was hoping we could tell you some time when you are much older.

    Ya see, your parents could never have children of their own, and they do love you so very very much, but the truth is, you're, well umm,

    Oh wait, I thought this was another question entirely.  Oops, my bad.

    It's very common to have a recessive gene that was prevalent in your ancestors, but has only now returned.  

    In my family, no one makes up really bad jokes jokes but me, and it's been said that my great-grandfather did too.

    Am I babbling yet?

  3. Two possibilities

    a) It is a recessive gene, and you inherited one copy from each parent

    b) It is the more complicated result of exactly how you develop, and possibly how lots of different genes interact.

  4. maybe none of your family NOW has it, but perhaps you've inherited it from a family member a long time ago.  and if not, then it's just means you are unique.  and that's something to be proud of.

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