
I have a disability so how can I get someone to help me at one airport to the other.?

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I have a disability so how can I get someone to help me at one airport to the other.?




  1. You have nothing to worry about.  I had the same question when I flew for the first time in December.  My airline was US Airways and their staff was great!

    You may want to contact your airline and inform them that you do have a disability and need extra time boarding the plane.  I requested a meet and assist, someone met me when I landed to help me.  I was able to get a cart ride from the concourse where we landed to where I needed to be.

    I flew again in March without any problems.  

    Have a great trip!

  2. Ask your airlines to help, it is ussuall part of their service or find out about the service provided by the airports authorities. Some good Asian airports have "Ambassadors" to help the people in the airport.

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