
I have a doberman. I use a choker when we walk around the village.. ?

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everytime my dobe would pull me..the choker will take effect but i noticed that it leaves a mark... my dobe doesn't care.. is there a medicine for this? to heal the mark and to make the hair regrow in the neck area[where the lung is..bottom]? usually it will heal but the hair won't regrow.. any help on this pls.. thanks.




  1. Don't use a choker. If it is leaving a mark on him, you don't need medication you need a new collar that isn't damaging your dog. If it's to the point where the hair doesn't not regrow, then it is severely damaged.. Get a nice flat leather collar, and teach him to walk nicely, so you are destroying his neck.

  2. The only cure is that you need to learn how to use the collar properly and you need to teach the dog how to walk on a leash... both cures involve seeking out a professional trainer. The way you are using the collar has the potential of damaging the trachea and neck muscles not just the superficial injuries that you are describing... The hair will most likely grow back with time. I don't use slip chains unless the dog is in formal training, I teach the dogs to walk on a flat leather collar, if the dog is escape prone I use a martingale / cloth limited slip collar. Harnesses are not for pullers, dogs instictually pull with harnesses and the position of straps and leash multiplies the dogs strength and allow for no corrections or control. Haltis help with pullers if used properly if used on frantic/lungers/paniced dogs they can cause spinal injuries.

  3. They have special collars for dogs that pull, choker chains are harsh. Try watching "Its me or the dog "  on the animal planet  , you can get some great advice on training the dog not to pull.  Go to a pet store and ask about the  no pull collars/ If his neck is scarred the hair may not come back, but it is only cosmetic.  

  4. dont use a metal choker:there are some made from leather.I had that for my dog:didnt pull the hair out, did not discolour the skin.

    some chokers are synthetic:nylon web material

  5. The use of a choker is inhuman.  It can permanently damage the dogs esophagus.  If you are having that much trouble controlling him when you walk, try a harness.  They are very effective in training a dog if you know what you are doing.  They allow a sufficient amount of control.

  6. Choke chains do more harm than good honestly. Maybe 20 years I would tell you differently but today most trainers know better than to use a choke chain. I would either use a flat collar or a prong collar. A good rule of thumb is if you give a correction on the flat collar and the dog completely ignores it, get a prong collar. A prong collar corrects the dog all around the neck evenly but a choke chain only puts tension on one part of the neck, which can do irreversible damage to a dog's neck.

    As for heeling, I would use just a flat colllar to train. It's actually fairly simple to teach a dog to heel.

    1. Walk briskly

    2. If the dog starts, pulling tell her heel

    3. Wait a half second for her to respond

    4. Then immediately give a sharp tug as you make a 90-180 degree turn.

    5. After this praise her lavishly! Slip in a treat once in a blue moon.

    Keep doing this, dobermans are  quick learners. People make the mistake of just pulling the dog back but this ineffective because it doesn't teach the dog to focus on your moves.

  7. If the collar is damaging your dogs neck, you should refrain from using it.

    If you need a training collar, contact a local trainer about the use of a prong collar, they look barbaric and I'll get a thumbs down for the mention of one, but they really work if used properly. They are designed to simulate mom's correctional bite. They also require little effort on your part, only a few gentle tugs of the leash, the collar should never be yanked on.

    The prong or choke collars are never for continual use through out the dogs life though. So you should look into obedience classes and really concentrate on perfecting a nice heal.  

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