
I have a dream to move to America?

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Ok Im 14 and have always had a dream to move to America. Im English. The only thing is that I dont know where to start. I would want to move when im like 17 or somthing but I want to do what I can to help make things easier in the future. Also I have HIV and there are laws on weather I can enter the country, hopefullly the laws will change.

Well Thanks

No stupid comments please!




  1. pl consult an attorney. it i not easy but on many grounds of immigration rules u may work out a success strategy. pl see below if u have time:

  2. Now is harder than ever to come to America, first is the security reason, even people from UK take up to 3 years or old to had a visa approval to immigrant to U.S.  Unless you had direct family here, it will very hard for you to immigrant here, you best chance might try to apply for student visa, is not permanent, i not sure if disease limited people from enter the country. Check with the U.S. Embassy for more info.

  3. Keep your dream alive!!!

    Although unfortunately, people with HIV are barred from migrating to the US

    You may want to seek another route.

  4. look i really dont know love but you aare someone to be proud of. hope my child turns out as ambitious as you. really hope it all works out for you. x

  5. Welcome !

  6. We don't have socialized health care in America.  Better off staying where you are if you have HIV and need doctors and hospitals.  Would cost a fortune here without medical insurance, and most health plans would not take you with a pre-existing condition like HIV.  Sorry, but that's the facts.  Now if you came here illegally, you'd get free health care.  Canada has socialized  medicine.  Perhaps you can move there.

  7. first - you cannot emigrate until you are 18.

    second - you need to attend college/university and get a qualification (degree) and some work experience before you can emigrate.

    third - USA economy is going downhill very fast. In four years time the whole world may be in a huge war.

    fourth - the HIV means you need constant attention from doctors. You would probably be considered a drain on the health system (not that USA has a health system, it does not) and no insurance company would cover you for any pre-existing condition - so you cannot pay for your drugs.

    I strongly suggest that you stay in UK to get the drugs you need.

  8. Well I hope you are successful.  There are laws against people with HIV?  That sucks, that's discrimination.

  9. A lot of people want to go to America, for some period at least (myself included)

    U should go for a summer first (do a J1 or something) to give u an idea of what it'll be like and then decide what ur goin to do. (Being 14 might b a problem though)

  10. If you are English, your grammar is appropriate of the USA.

    Contact the embassy of the country in America where you want to go

  11. its not rly discrimination would you want an incurable disease coming to your country?

  12. Wake up.

  13. Lol, Im American and I want to move to England.... America may be a beautiful place, but the UK is just as good if not better...

  14. leaving home is a big step ..but leaving home and moving to a different country is even bigger.I hope you have your dream but it will be hard unless you are rich

  15. You can't emmigrate anywhere alone if you are under 18.

    You can't emmigrate to America without a good degree and experience in your field of work.

    HIV testing is part of the medical for anyone applying for a visa here. They don't allow immigrants with a positive test for TB so I suspect they don't allow HIV +ve people either.

    Health care here is lousy too and  it's unlikely that you would get health insurance to cover your medication. Ask your pharmacist how much your drugs would cost if you had to pay for them yourself and do the maths.

  16. It's really hard to try and move to the states. Me and my family tried to but you have to:

    > marry an american  or,

    > invest in a million dollar business or,

    >have relatives out there

    You can go into the green lottery, which is where you apply for a visa  to go there, but you have a VERY slim chance of getting one.

    I have ALWAYS wanted to live anywhere in america but its so difficult.

    The best thing I can think of is to go and volunteer for one of their summercamps (you have to be 18). You get to stay there for about 3 months and do loads of fun activities. And while you are there you could look around for jobs, or find a future husband!! only joking!

    As for the HIV matter, I'm not entirely sure what the laws are on that, but I'm sure you could look that up.

    well i hope this helps, good luck and if you do manage to get over there, enjoy it!


  17. It would be a lot easier for you to come here on a student visa. You can stay and study here legally if you find a school you can enroll in. After school, you will have a chance to work and live in the US permanently. Just talk to your lawyer. Good luck.

  18. Lemonsssssssssssssssss



    I am a queen for asia

    weee weeeeeeeeeee heeheeee

  19. Well missy 14yo know nothing, I'll try not to be stupid.

    As to the weather, who knows?

    As to your HIV, Hmm, pull the other one!

  20. klkl i wanna go America to im 16 tho

    if u dont mind      how did u contract HIV?

  21. Half the world's population "dreams" of moving to America.  First of all, you cannot do it at 17 -- you're still a minor child.  You will need to have a college degree plus skills and experience -- something -- to make you eligible for immigration.  You need something that will support you and provide for all your needs.  You will not be able to get health insurance since you have a pre-existing condition.  So you need enough income for all your medications and treatments for HIV/AIDS.  

    So first, plan on going to college and developing a career that will cover some very big expenses.

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