
I have a dream where i'm face down in a pool of water and paralyzed

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I have this dream at least every month.

The reason this is starting to scare me is because.

1) in my dreaming screaming to wake up (like i know its a dream) and i just want to lift my face out of the water and i can't

2) when i finally fight my way out of the dream and wake up. I realize that I actually stopped breathing while I was dreaming, like my brain tricked me into not breathing because of the dream?

3) it didn't just happen once.... its reoccurring .

whats is this? why is this happening? I'm afraid I wont wake up from the dream one day and "drown" in my sleep.




  1. Your dream really suggests that you are suffering occasional episodes of sleep apnea.

    The dreams could relate to a pyschological driver that manifests in a physical response - shortness of breath or to have stopped breathing - but what you have described is nearly the classic example of a dream being the manifestation of an immediate physical event.  Finding yourself 'face down in water' carries an immediate connotation; finding yourself unable to move from there to save yourself underscores the event.  Awakening is the normal response.  

    Your body has indeed stopped breathing, or entered an episode of ineffective breathing, and the mind quickly responds with this synthesized imagery to get your attention.  The whole thing is alarming enough to awaken you - and in your case it appears clear that you can tell that your breathing was actually suspended, even if only momentarily.

    Sleep apnea can happen to anyone, and it may vary in intensity from mild to severe.  In most cases it simply leaves people a bit unrested and tired after a night's 'rest' because they did not receive the full measure of oxygen needed to gain real rest.  In rare cases it can be fatal.  

    You are fortunate to be getting this 'message' from your body and mind and are not likely truly in a dire situation, but one that could use some attention through a sleep study.  It is those cases where people do not become aware that tend to drift toward dangerous situations.

    It is the real lack of breathing you sense the suggests that apnea is a suspect - you should arrange to discuss this with your doctor - a sleep study may be in order and can help alleviate the cause of the problem.

    All the best to you.

  2. i think it means you have something in your life really holding you back from succeeding somehow...maybe someone holding you back from being as happy as you want to be...i remember dreams of feeling smothered when i was with my ex. I don't have them!

  3. Water usually represents spirit.

    Maybe you could tell yourself before you go to sleep that you will be able to breath in the water because the water is spirit.

    Tell that to yourself out loud.  It doesn't have to be loud enough for anyone else to hear.  Couldn't hurt, and it might help.

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