
I have a driving test in a couple days and what are little details I will have to remember during the test?

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I have a driving test in a couple days and what are little details I will have to remember during the test? For example: Look behind your shoulder when changing lanes, look in the mirrors every 5 seconds, and is there any other details i should know or do during the test?




  1. First and foremost.  Know your laws!

    1. Buckle up before doing anything.

    2. Adjust the mirrors so that you can see

    3. Always use your blinker before changing lanes or turning.

    4. Look in your blind spot before changing lanes.

    5. Go the exact speed limit or below, please do not speed.  the 4 over thing doesn't apply when taking your test.

    6. Watch street signs.

    7. Relax! You'll do fine. My sister just took hers and it was a breeze.  I've had mine for years and I've never known anyone that failed the driving part of the test. Not saying it doesn't happen, but it's unusual. just follow your state laws and everything will be ok.

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