
I have a drug felony from 04 and live in nc is there anyone who will hire me?

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I have a drug felony from 04 and live in nc is there anyone who will hire me?




  1. I am not to familiar with NC law but I do believe there should be no problem as long as you completed your sentence, the best way to find this out is to go to the court where you was judge and ask for a Certified Court Disposition and you it shows everything that happened including if you completed the sentence (I.E probation, counseling etc) with that document you can take it to a criminal attorney and try and have that conviction wiped out or reduced, I believe that an employer has no right at judging you no matter what you did, but I would try and if they decline because of it talk to an attorney.

  2. If you have a drug felony from a while ago you will of course still be hired. Most places usually don't even check you for a drug test but if they check your record you can still sort out with then that you are over the crimes and that you want to start a new life.

  3. Yes. I'm sure you'll find someone. What do you want to do?

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