
I have a duck, when I when out to feed it this morning I noticed that it had a wound with maggots on its back.

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I didnt know what to do I didn't want to hurt it. What should I do




  1. Take the duck to the vet as soon as you can.

  2. Ask a vet about the wound but maggots, as disgusting as they are, are sometimes even used by wound care specialist on people to clean the dead tissue out of a wound so that it can heal.  

  3. poor ducky :(

    well you should give it a bath, but be gentle. you should google what kinds of shampoos are okay to use on birds. that's option 1.. if you don't want to take any risks, take your duck to the vet and they should know exactly what to do.

  4. Om gawd poor ducky.

    Take it to Vet. The wound is probably infected.

  5. Bring it to a vet, and don't wait until the last minute. They'll know what to do.  

  6. Take the duck to an animal vet

    That would be the best:)

  7. You should definitly take the duck to the vet. They'll be able to clean it out and get medication for it.  

  8. are the maggets big if they are try to take them out with a tweesers and if they are small leave them theyll clean the wound

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