
I have a easy question on volleyball but you have to either of played the sport or currently be in it now.?

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Is the refere always correct when he/she bows the whistle? If not, state where it hasn't been.




  1. No the refere isn't always accurate. We've had some refs in our games where it would hit the line and they would call it out. Or it would totally go out, in the back, but they would call it in. Line judges on the courts can help prevent this, but hey, they are just humans you can't give them too much grief for making a mistake. Sure it sucks if your losing or barely winning and they have a bad call but hey get over it, you would make mistakes too. Hope I helped out!

    Sugar Bear

  2. The referee and the umpire are the only ones that have the authority  to make the calls.  Sometimes they make wrong calls, some against your team and some for your team.   Since you can't do anything about changing either kind of mistake you are better off accepting the fact that their calls are always right.

          One technique that advanced players learn is how to deal with different officals.  If an offical is really tight on illegal hits or illegal passes, the superior player will modify her game to comply with the way the game is being called, while a lesser player will just complain (and lose).

  3. Officially speaking, yes, the referee is always correct when they blow the whistle and make a call.

    In other words, the ref's call is "official" - there's no overriding it - there's not an "instant replay" like there is in football.

    That being said, it doesn't mean that a coach cannot question a ref's call, ask for clarification, ask the down ref (the one who is on the floor, opposite of the main ref) if they saw something different than the main ref.

    As for when the main ref has main a wrong or a bad call, it could be something as simple as calling a lift or a carry on somebody when they hit it clean, it could be calling a net on somebody who didn't hit it.

    If you have a concern about the ref calling something wrong - your best bet is to learn the offical rules - find out what rules they use in your league, get a copy of them, and study them, make sure that you know them.

    In the end, however, the ref has the last say. You might be right, and the ref might be wrong - but it's the ref's decision that counts. You can complain to whomever hires the officials in your league about poor ref-ing, but I'm sure that won't change the outcome of the game.

  4. the referee only blows when he or a member of the line see something but he can be wrong sometimes and his second reff can put his point across but it is up to the reff if he plays the point again or gives the point away

  5. it is a matter of perseption. usually they blow the wistle after the ball has dropped to the ground(in or out of bounds), if the ball htis the intena, if a player lifts or carries, or if someone crosses over or under the net

  6. Not sure of the question - i used to referee the game - I'd blow the whistle when point was played, ball was out, a foul, game over - the usual.

  7. They make bad calls a lot but they can be right a lot too.

  8. a refere isnt ALWAYS  acurrate but most of the time they are correct.

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