
I have a family and would like to move to Great Britain, but am concerned about the quality of life.?

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I am considering applying for work in Great Britain, but am worried about the cost of living and the quality of life. I have looked at a few cost of living calculators, but they are geared towards ex-pats and therefore I do not know how that compares to "regular people's" living expenses.

I have a wife and two children (10 and 2 years old) and live in Vancouver, BC. I could earn around 65,000 to 85,000 pounds per year if I worked in London and about 15 to 20% less if I worked somewhere in Midlands, Bristol or Manchester.

How does that amount of income sound for a family of four? We would like to live in a safe neighborhood that is near business centers and quality schools. I am not interested in anything more than a 45 minute commute. We would like an area that has lots of parks and green space.

How is the health care system in Great Britain? Are there very long waits for services? Can one easily find a family doctor? If anyone who presently lives in there ever lived in Canada then I would appreciate a comment on how life is similar or different.




  1. I have a friend who just moved from there, her family moved because it was to hard to get housing there and it is way to crowded. The amount of people that immigrate there is insane and great britain is to small for all the people they let in. You might have better luck with Ireland or Scotland but don't move to london or any of the English parts because they are very crowded. She even told me that the English county side is crowded. Also its a very high cost of living way worse then vancouver and victoria or Kelowna BC. Basically she can get two items here for the cost she could get one in England. From what she explained to me about living there her whole  life it would be a good place to vacation but not to live.  

  2. I'm not from there, but you should put this question in the UK section inside the Travel section.  You'll probably get more answers that way.

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