
I have a family of racoons in my yard and i dont want to kill them just find a way to get them out of here?

by Guest34388  |  earlier

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A family of abvout four The mom and some babys.




  1. you can get lots of info from local health dept.

    also you could trap them and relocate them

    just try to keep them together as a family

    and release as a family

    mom still needs to teach them how to scavenge  

  2. well this is what i got told would work by a mate. first u get a big bag and fill it with butter then u leave the bag some where the racoons can get it. than come back in about a hour and start to sing  a song about butter and they will just hope in the bag of butter. it might sound fake but it will work i've seen it before. try it out it will work.


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website

  4. You got the family there, don't you. Did they get in your attic or under your porch yet? The best advise i can give you at this point is wait it out awhile. The mother will move her young. This can take up to and about 8 weeks after they are born.

    Don't try to separate them! (I know you won't do that). If you did you could end up with property damage in the long run, because the mother will look for her missing baby/s in a rage! Meanwhile...

    Below is a website I'm sure it would interest you and give you methods to use.

  5. They are pesky little buggers.Research raccoons as I did when when I had problems.I believe it was fox scent that helped the best,fox's are a predator to them.

    Good Luck

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