
I have a fear of awkward silences and hate them?

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Whenever i go out to socialise i dread awkward silence,i usually say anything just to avoid one from happening and then i feel like it's obvious i'm forcing lame conversation. I'm shy anyway and always feel the silence is my fault,any advice how i can prevent this?




  1. In normal conversation you are going to experience those silences, and if you are in a relationship they will be there too.  It has nothing to do with you, just that in some situations this is what happens.  

  2. first, dont blame urself, its normal to be shy. second, just relax. let go of the fear and just talk about anything that happened in the past couple of day. if u know the person well, then just talk about about something he/she likes

  3. Silence shows confidence. When it happens notice your breathing, relax and then breathe. It's ok.

  4. dont worry i somtimes do also and so do my friends.

  5. You are putting too much stress on yourself by coming up with something to say just to fill the silence.

    The silence can be a time when you can take a break and rest your mind.  It is OK to be silent.  When silence happens, relax your body and let go of that tension.  You are not responsible for filling in every minute with talk.   Good Luck.

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