
I have a fear of buoys, bridge pillars, ships and anything partly submerged in water. WTF?

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I don't know where this phobia comes from. I went on a speedboat once and we went under a bridge and the going past these huge pillars freaked the c**p out of me. Buoys make me cringe and Large boats too. I'm an adult and I don't understand where this fear came from.




  1. maybe your fear is from a past life. You should try a past life regression.

  2. It's hard to always know where these things come from.  Since being scared passing under a bridge it might be linking the fear of the buoys and large boats because they are all associated with water.  It might be that with the partially submerged things that you are afraid because you can't see all of the object, or the fear is from the item sinking into dark water.

    If it is really bothering you then you might want to see a therapist over it.  Fear of water or water related is pretty common and is treatable.  Personally, I didn't like the ocean.  If I never see the ocean again I'd be fine with it, the vast, dark water was very unsettling, yet the Great Lakes are fine and can look the same.  It's weird.

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