
I have a fear of flying and I'm about to fly tomorrow PLEASE help i'm Afraid???

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What happens if I get sick on the plane or pass out? Is there any meds i could take before I fly to relax or do they offer something? Is Delta and Hawaiian Airlines good?




  1. You should be fine. Like the first person said, take a   Dramamine because they usually don't offer any meds on a plane. Delta is OK but I guess it depends. I am not sure about Hawaiian Airlines but Delta bathrooms are usually cramped so you might want to make a trip to the bathroom before you broad the plane. Although.. the best plane would have to be New Zealand Airlines.

  2. For one Delta and Hawaiian are wodnerful airlines. I've flown Delta many times before and plan to for a long time. Hawaiian I'm trying this summer, but I've heard good things.

    Next, all this is in your head. The brain is a complex thing, it can make you happy, sad, anything it wants to. The thing you need to do is learn how to control it; supress your fears that will never come true anyways. Air Travel in the United States is very safe and many people are afraid of weather problems, etc. Most people don't know about all of the systems, tools, etc that Air Traffic Controllers and pilots have at their hands to make every flight safe. Those 136 or so flights that 'crashed' last year ARE ALSO flights outside of the U.S.; most of which were incidents that didn't involve deaths.

    Are you afraid of hitting heavy turbulence? Well, there is no such thing called 'heavy turbulence' that people have been able to explain. The heaviest turbulence a flight can handle is moderate which at its worst is like driving over a bumpy street.

    Those people up in the cockpit have needed thousands of hours of flying practice, simulator training and tests(which do include practicing emergency procedures, etc.), and other excercises just to get hired by the airlines.

    You will be in great hands. You shouldn't need a medication, because you don't have anything to worry about. Just think about the fun you will have when you get to Hawaii!

    Have fun and cheers!


  3. Just remember that riding in a car is more dangerous than riding in a plane! There are about 6 million car crashes in the U.S. each year and only 136 serious plane crashes last year. The chance of your plane crashing is 1 in ELEVEN MILLION. The chance of crashing in a car is one in 5,000. So your odds of crashing in a plane are VERY small.

  4. You will be fine.  I suggest taking one or two Dramamine an hour before your flight departs.  There are also emesis bags on the plane in the pocket in front of you.  There are also bathrooms, small, but they serve the purpose.  I also suggest chewing gum for ascent/descent to help with pressure changes.

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