
I have a fear of open water/ the ocean, this doesnt help my surfing, any suggestions?

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Heres the deal, i started surfing 6months back, i surf a 6'6 fish. I have this fear when i cant touch the bottom of the water. I do know how to swim but i dont know how to float/ tread water. Whats the fastest way of getting rid of this insane phobia of deep water?

Next, I can make it out to point if its my first paddle out, but staying there is the problem. Thats why i usually stay near shore so i dont tire. When i do try paddling out to point again, it seems im not moving at all. I do head out on rips where everyone is heading out but no luck in moving, any suggestions on paddling would help.

next, is it normal to be scared of being drifted away? I do use markers on the beach to orient myself, but when i start drifting with the current, i head back to shore. Scared of being pulled out in to the ocean and no one to help.

I feel i need to learn how to tread water to build my confidence in open water to get rid of my phobia of deep water or being pulled out in to the ocean.




  1. Learn how to swim confidently and practice often. Your board can be a false sense of security. When a double overhead wave breaks your leash  your left to swim in. Practice swimming.

  2. Learning to float may help, also work on your strength and endurance. It will make you stronger and able to paddle longer.

  3. Do you have a leash on your board? I used to not have one on mine and it caused a lot of stress in the water, stress that my board would get washed away, stress that if I went for a wave I would lose my board....etc, My advice is to go out without your board and swim around GET COMFORTABLE, learn to read where the rips are and how to get out of one if you get in one, go diving so you can see whats under there.

    Go body surfing. If there are other ppl where you surf dont worry, you would notice if someone else got pulled out, ppl would notice if you did too.

    Treading water is really easy when you realize that if you fill your lungs up with float...if you breath steady and lightly tread, your fine, your stoked. Salt water is way more bouyant than fresh water.

    You can check the currents and stuff on, look at the currents and see if you were to get pulled out, where would you go, its pretty unlikely that you would get pulled out to sea, that doesnt happen too often.

    Always let someone know where you are when you are out, get a buddy to go out with you. Dont get stoned before you surf, bad for the nerves....I tried once to go diving right after I did that and it was terrifying....good brave :)

    EVERYBODY gets pulled with the current, dont worry about it. Read on surfline and other websites stories from surfers and you'll realize that everyone has to deal with the same thing and they still charge it and overcome. That fear is what makes it such an awesome experience, you are doing something gnarly, if the fear wasnt there, surfing wouldnt be the incredible rush and accomplishment that it is. Dont be afraid of your own fear.

  4. Maybe take an adult swim class to help your floating.  As far as getting comfortable I can suggest either more time in the water or take a diving class.  If you can learn to be comfortable under the water it will help you above the water.

    You should never surf alone and never surf from a location you cannot swim back in from.

  5. I have been bodyboarding about 6 months and I have a somewhat similar fear.

    I dont like the thought of not being able to touch the bottom or getting drifted out. But my main fair is having a wave break on top of me.

    The more time I spend out boarding the more comfortable I become.

    I used to freak whenever I could feel the bottom and frantically head for shore, now I can go out very deep and not be too panicky, all i do is paddle from waste height water so you dont notice it getting deeper and do not attempt to touch the bottom. If i jump off my board and realise the ground isn't there I get a bit panicky so yeah, but I am now a lot more confident in deeper waters.

    Also try going with someone. I would never go out by myself as I dont feel safe. Whereas now I go out with my partner and I feel very comforted by the fact there is someone there with me.

  6. I would talk to your doc about Anxiety. Meds can realy help that!!

  7. ok, here's what i did. i picked a sport that i loved to death...surfing, and i would go with my mom, i feel comfortable with my mom even if there's a huge wave or when she's on the shore (as long as she's keeping an eye on me), after a while she would go farther away and i would learn to surf alone. Now, i'm not afraid AT ALL! just keep a buddy is all i have to say.

  8. I get that fear sometimes. Just looking down. It doesnt bother me anymore though. What I do is sing a song in my head. Or try to lose focus on my fear. For example look at the next wave. Also always believe in  yourself. You can overcome this if you just belive. Keep beliving and good luck! Hope I helped. Surfing is the best expirience ever!

  9. Dude my brother had the same thing going on. ive been surfing for six years.. arm streangth- start working out and eat meat and potatoes...... With your phobia thing your gonna have to just tell yourself theres nothing to be afraid of.... and youll be allright

    if its that bad allways go out when there is someone around you Never ALONE. Theres allways gonna be help

    Dony worry about the ocean sucking you out that will ony happen if your stuck in a rip tis and try to swim in

    If that ever happens swim parallell to the beach

    im pretty sure youve heard that before

    = )

    Oh and watch a lot of surf movies

    Kelly slater Black and white

    Water Tried to kill me

    and just read about whats going in surfing

    and no matter what never forget to have fun

    thats what its all about

    Good luck man......Phobia is all in your head

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