
I have a feelin that this girl likes me and i really dont like her in the same way. how do i let her down?

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I have a feelin that this girl likes me and i really dont like her in the same way. how do i let her down?




  1. just av a lil less contact for a while -she'll soon stop likeing you in tht way

  2. If you dont like her the best thing to do would to show no signs that you like her too, if she thinks shes in with a chance then shes going to be even more determined. Id leave it at that unless she makes a move and tells you how she feels if this is the case then be honest with her there is nothing worse than been led on. hope i helped.

  3. you dont let her  down at all common buddy theres money in that just get at  her make her buy you things which i sure she will but you gotta do your part and spit game i mean if you have any be smart

    member the saying " The Bear came over the mountain, The bear came over the mountain and what do you think he saw?"

  4. well dont say anything to her cause your probably wrong.

    lmfao im sorry but guys are bad at this kinda thing

    just let it be.

    act normally around her, dont even think about how she might like you

    if she ever says anything to you (which i doubt she will) then just tell her sorry, but you dont like her that way, shes just a really good friend.


  5. If I read you right, you mean "how do i let her down gently?"  If that's the case, And if it were me,  i would wan to hear something like this,"You are sweet, and I'm touched taht you care for me like that, but right now I don't have the same feelings.  Can we still be friends even though i don't feel the same way?"

  6. tell her u have a gf.. much nicer then saying no sorry

  7. just pull her 2 tha side and let her kno how u feel and that u just wanna b friends

  8. dont lie to her and tell her their is someone else unless there is...and how do u know if she likes u did she tell u? just next time when she trys to get close or anything or is just acting weirs just say i just wanna be friends even if u dont want to be her friend then at least u guys can work from there... dont embarres her or do it in front of ffriends just make sure she hears it.

  9. Just tell her you guys are friends... not... special friends...

  10. ....just let it be. when she comes to you for a relationship. just kindly reject her.

    *i wouldn't really go up to her and say that you just wanna be friends and all that, you might have gone to a wrong conclusion. just wait till she admits it. then kindly reject her

  11. avoid her

    tell her u have a girl

  12. Just tell her straight up that you just like her as a friend.

  13. dnt tell her anythng it wil hurt her feelings for now just ignore her or treat her like afriend or talk to her about a girl you like or a pretend girlfriend eventually shell get the pint if she asks u out tell her sorry but ur nt nterested in her rigth now

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