
I have a feeling Iran is gonna create world war 3, anyone else?

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Also if we do have a world war 3 I am pretty sure it will be the last war the world will ever live to see because of the nuclear weaponry.




  1. Yes, i was discussing this a while ago in a class and i remember my teacher discussing the water distribution from Turkey through to Iran and how this was a potential for WW3. Whether it will be Iran who starts it, it is definitely a possibility.

    I have to say, after seeing footage of the effect of the weaponry used during the Vietnam war i would love to think that people would be past using the unnecessary expenditure of lives and brutal weaponry to solve problems.

    I don't think it will come down to Nuclear weaponry, first of all the use of it won't really leave a lot left worth fighting for, so it seems fairly pointless to me. Also, countries know that for example if Iran bombs America then the UK will bomb it and so on and so forth (this is purly hypothetical, i dont know the specfic agreement) so again this would be a rather stupid means of warfare to choose.

    Well, if it does come down to nuclear weaponry, Australia apparently has large Uranium deposits so we can kick all of your arses ;)  

  2. The Bible seems to indicates russia will invade Israel for the next great world event. Have you noticed how almost everyone hates Israel? I would suggest everyone keeping their eyes on Israel....james the hollow earth man   P.S. Excellent question/Statement.

  3. Iran can't fight it's way out of a wet paper bag.

  4. Well, Iran is already killing Americans in Iraq, and Iran is already killing Israelis through Hamas and through Hizbollah, so that war has already started.

    By the way, nobody has actually used an atomic bomb in over 60 years. That's because so far all the countries that have nuclear weapons have been sane. Not so much if Iran is allowed the get them. So Iran will not be allowed to get them. Simple as that.

    The countries that don't want to stop Iran and the countries that are doing business with Iran. It's the same as whoring.

  5. Are you kidding me? It will only be a one time strike either by the U.S. or Israel. It will last for probably a day especially with the weapons that the U.S. use these days. I call it a 'one day strike'.

  6. If Barack Obama gets into office then we won't but there is  MUCH LARGER CHANCE with John McCain but regardless:  

    there should not be any wars, really no ways to harm the earth

    and there's not doubt that if there is a war nuclear weaponry will be involved call me a tree hugger but we were put on this earth to keep it strong not kill it faster

    we belong to the earth the earth does not belong to us

    but hey i'm all for mass suicide though, how else will we control the population??

  7. i dont think so

  8. You just know it is going to happen..    

  9. I am not sure it will be Iran that starts it but yeah we are headed straight  for WW 3. Yes it will probably be one of the last wars we see. I have always said that God won't have to destroy the earth because we are doing a pretty fine job of it on our own.

  10. it is either them or us.

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