
I have a feeling like im going to die soon?

by Guest61705  |  earlier

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(sorry that was just to get your attention) Here is my question I am 16 years old and i am underweight. i have been skinny all my life and now i am getting sick of it. I have tried to gain weight and Eat more i have made manny attempts however i have failed. Should i talk to my Doctor and tell him i want him to give me some Medicine to help me gain? or would i just be making a fool out of my self. My parents dont know about this no one knows that i want to gain and i feel kind of embarrassed that im not happy with my weight Can someone give me advise?




  1. Maybe just being really skinny is getting you down, its best to tell your parents its bothering you, being open and honest to them about things like this is important, as they can help you!

  2. I'm 5'4" tall and weighed just shy of 100 pounds when I was 16.

    I'm now 54 and am thrilled to death that I've now lost 40 pounds.  (I've still got a bunch more to go.)

    Trust me:  you WILL gain weight.  It will be a gradual process occurring over many years,  but you WILL gain weight and eventually you will be trying to LOSE weight -- just like the rest of us.  

    Enjoy being thin while you still can -- it doesn't last.  

  3. this is kind of crazy im in a similar 16 almost 17 and im 5'9 130 lbs..skinny kind of but u know i dont really worry about it and neither should u! just be glad you're not overweight..and to make you feel even better my uncle was 18 yrs old 5'8 100 lbs in high school he was made fun of and stuff..he gained weight as he got older so dont worry about being skinny man its fine.

    edit - hey and if you really want to gain weight it is simple, workout.

  4. You have a fast metabolism boy! there are woman who would love to be skinny and in your position. Instead of trying to gain weight why don't you try to gain some muscles instead.  

  5. My friend is 17 and a half and is 6' and 120 lbs. You're not alone. I would see a doctor just to make sure there isn't some underlying cause. Eat a lot of protein and healthy fats (such as in meat and nuts) and protein shakes. Snack a bit on something healthy but also higher in calories. Not junk food, but like a spoonful of peanut butter is tasty and high in calories. Good luck!

  6. why dont you see a doctor?

  7. maybe your not eating the right kind of food, try eating food that.s fattening, like pork chops, hamburger, sausage, stuff like that. if you are skinny, it might be in your genes. look at you family on both sides.

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