
I have a felony hearing in sept its a 1st offense what will happen.?

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it happen in january and i got terminated from my job because of a theft so i have a pretrial hearing in september its a first offense and i have been volunteering for over 3 years and i have been working since febuary what will happen.




  1. your going to the pen for atleast 6 mos and will be taking a shower with other men...don't drop the soap, I hope you learned your lesson and do not steal again.  Or you could find out where the prosecuting attorney lives and bribe him or her to drop the charges or just kick his or her butt.  LOL

  2. So if you're such an outstanding volunteering hard working citizen - WHY did you steal???


  4. you are noting to jail cuz stole she had to pay fine. you will pay fine if it is nothing big

  5. Your 17 and it's a first offense - more than likely you will get probation and a fine.  You will also have a felony on your record and get to check the 'yes' box for that each time you look for a job.  :(

  6. Nothing just do not do it again.

  7. nothing you will get a slap on the wrist and go home

  8. Maybe you'll get lucky. You will probably get probation for a few months, pay some fines, and have to do community service. I hope your lawyer can get it brought down to a misdemeanor, you can't get a weapons permit if you have a felony. Oh, the judge really isn't going to care about your volunteer work since it apparently didn't keep you from stealing.

  9. Hopefully you have tried to make restitution and are continuing on the straight and narrow path. If it is your 1st offense you might get probation and a fine. If it is serious enough and the judge and prosecutor want to use you as an example or teach you a lesson, it could go worse. What does your attorney say?

  10. 1st offence felony normally gets supervised probation, random drug screens, etc.,

    depending on the situation, the judge may even offer to expunge and seal the records if you complete probation without a single incident.

  11. You will get 6 months to a year and maybe even more..

    E.A. Petty theft  is way different than FELONY this was not stealing a candy bar

  12. Depends on the state. In CA because you have been volunteering and now have a job. You could be given home detention so you can still keep your job and volunteer and probation. Felony probation 3-5 years.

    You are going to do a pre-trial and that's because your attorney is dragging it out a bit just to see how things are going. Sometimes it's called "let's make a deal day" and your attorney will walk you though that. If he doesn't like the deal then you'll set a date for trial and it just gives him more time to work on your case. You won't know anything positive until October or November, that's the best way to drag it out so you can continue to show the court you are serious. Just don't panic...that's why you have the attorney :-)

  13. Be cooperative and honest.  Tell them you want to accept responsibility and get help.  Chances are, the felony grand larceny charge will be lowered to a misdemeanor larceny and will result in a fine.

  14. If you are found guilty, you have just ruined your life. You will forever have to put that on all job applications, and everyone will Know that You are a Thief.

    Someone who steals from the work place first off is an Idiot, and doesn't deserve a job

         You can never have any sort of government job, You cannot join the military unless you get a wavier.  Your job potiential will be that of a laborer, since you obiously cannot be trusted.

    In some countries they would have cut off your thieving  hands off at the wrist, in others you may have even earned yourself a death sentence.

        Since this is a first offence, in the U.S. you will probably be offered a comunity service option where they will dress you in a striped jump suit and be publicly displayed for all the world to see and KNow that YOU are a criminal and are not to be trusted.

    Since you will not be able to get a good job, No women will ever take you seriously, all your friends and family will out do you, you will forever be beneath them, but be nice to them, because you may have to beg them for food, clothing and or shelter at some point in your life.

    Please, just stay away from me and mine you lowlife thief!


  15. do the crime pay the time its like death you cant change it no matter how hard you want to so DEAL you have been deal ed your hand you made your bed so Lay


  17. You'll probably get probation, community service, and a fine. It really depends on circumstances, though.


  19. It all depends on the seriousness of your crime and your lawyer.

  20. I am a Criminal Justice major and I Volunteer for the D.O.C. I can tell you, because this is your first offense, you won't get much. Maybe 90 days or you may just get fines, restitution and be on Supervision, or probation for 6-12 months.

  21. You say it is a Pre-Trial Hearing, but there are many different types of Pre-Trial Hearings in Criminal Court.  I'm assuming that you have not been before a Judge, yet.

    You will be advised of the Charges against you, asked to Plead, and may be assigned a Public Defender, to represent you, if you do not already have a Lawyer.  The Standard thing to do at this Stage is to Plead Not Guilty, even if you intend to Plead Guilty at a Later Time (even if it turns out to be later that same day).  

    You may be offered a Plea Deal by the Prosecutor, which is usually a Reduced Charge that you agree to Plead Guilty to, with a resulting lower sentence than you would get if went to Trial and were Found Guilty.

    If you decide to go to Trial, it can be a complicated Process, so don't be surprised if you have other Appearances Scheduled, before your actual Trial.  On the other hand, don't be surprised if it is all over in 1 day.

    BE CAREFUL about accepting a Plea that results in a Felony Conviction!

    Good Luck!

  22. More than likely you'll be able to enter a plea of guilty and get community service. As long as you own up to it, they usually go much easier. Talk to your public defender, or lawyer about how to go about doing this.

  23. "After a felony case has been considered by a grand jury and an indictment returned, the case will be scheduled for a pretrial hearing. At the pretrial hearing the defendant and or his attorney will usually advise the judge whether the defendant wants a trial or will plead guilty, and if a trial is desired, whether a jury is required. Certain motions concerning legal issues may be heard at a pretrial hearing."

    It all depends on what you stole.  Who you stole it from.  And your criminal record.  Grand theft is a stiffer sentence while petty theft usually carries probation.  Again, it depends on several variables the most being criminal history.  Make sure to bring some family and friends to the TRIAL to speak on your behalf.

    Also, the DA may try to strike a deal with you.  Or you can ask him for a deal.  Plead guilty and do probation or plead innocent and go to jail.  Its all scare tactics but if they got CONCRETE evidence against you then your best bet would be to take the deal.  Then they will probably waive the trial and sentence you at the pre-trial.

  24. if you have a clean record otherwise, you'll probably be able to talk to the D.A. and work out a deal for a misdemeanor guilty plea, assuming you are guilty. you might want to consult a lawyer with the facts and details, especially if the D.A. doesn't want to deal. good luck and do whatever it takes to keep that felony off your record!

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