
I have a female ball python...i have a question?

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i have a female ball python thats 2 feet and 32 centimeters and i want to know how old and how big does the snake have to be?




  1. Usually around three years, but with ball pythons, it's more about weight than age. You'll get different answers from different people, but many breeders agree that 1200 grams is a good weight for a female to be able to breed.

    Joshmanblue5, weren't you just asking a question on how to breed ball pythons? Now you're claiming to be a breeder? Your answer is incorrect. A three foot female is too small to breed, and a male does not have to be three years old. Males have been successfully bred at 6 months of age, although I don't recommend this.

  2. alright i'm a ball python breeder they both have to be atleast 3 years and 3 years is wen there most furtal  and bout 3 feet long

  3. you ment to breed right? im not sure, but anyone that is I think he means to breed

  4. Huh?? How old does she have to be to do what?

  5. Female Ball pythons typically will breed with a sucessful hatch around the age of 1 1/2 to 2 years of age. But as with most breeding projects, the males and female should be conditioned first prior to breeding and should be in excellent health even before conditioning has begun. There are many sites taht offer tips on conditoning but here are a few that i found that might be of some use to you if you do end up breeding your female....

  6. they can live 20-30 years and they ussally get to be 3-4 feet but 5-6 foot specimins have beed recorded males are smaller than females

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