
I have a female cat that is peeing all over the place and on clothes how do I stop this?

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I have a female cat that is peeing all over the place and on clothes how do I stop this?




  1. Catch her doing it and spray her with a water bottle/gun- she will stop very soon! Not mean at all and gets the point across to her that is a no-no!  

  2. Sylvia,

    Cats are generally fastidious in their "toilet" habits and when they start urinating on things it is a possible sign that something is amiss. If she is squatting on things and peeing, it is different than standing up and spraying against a vertical surface.

    This kind of behavior can be the result of a urinary tract infection, bladder stones or other medical issues.  If your cat is intact and not spayed it can be that she is in heat or coming into heat.

    Cats do not urinate on things to express anger at their person. Cats actually are not vindictive contrary to what lots of folks think.

    The litter box may not be to her liking either, or it may not be sufficiently clean to her standard.

    Whatever, the first thing you need to do is to have her evaluated by a veterinarian who will take a urine sample and test it for blood, stones and bacteria. Don't just assume that this is a behavioral problem.  I had a spay who started peeing on the bed and on the floor and after taking her to the vet we learned that she had struvite chrystals in her bladder which are quite painful. She was treated and is fine. The cause of the stones was due to a catfood containing grain. Medication and grain free food solved the whole problem.

    Hope this helps,


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former breeder of Siamese and Oriental Shorthairs

  3. You should have her checked by a vet first. Sometimes when female cats pee everywhere but the litter box, she may either have a bladder infection or possible diabetes. The first time my female did that she did in right in front of me. Also her litter box had much more in it.  So check with your vet.

  4. The most common cause of this is a urinary tract infection.  Take her to the vet, and they will take a urine sample from her and test it.  Antibiotics and sometimes a change in food will help.  The urinalysis will also show if she could possibly have diabetes.  Good luck!

  5. She's mad at you.  Have you recently moved or are in the process of moving?  Has her litter box been relocated numerous times?  Or her food/water supply?  Cats like consistency. Don't confuse a cat.  Hope that helps.

  6. i agree with the spray bottle but you'll have to put something down like vinegar or some anti urine spray b/c once they pee they will continue to go back to that familiar smell

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