
I have a ferret but I ran out of...

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I ran out of food. What can I give my ferret until tomorrow when I can get to pet store.




  1. meat

  2. Ferrets can be fed chicken, or other cooked meats. If only until tomorrow, you can feed it cat food (NOT dog food) maybe one of your neighbours has a cat you can buy a small tin of food from until you can buy some ferret food?

  3. arent ferrets illegal?

  4. dry cat food/kitten food if you have it. the chicken kind of the Iams, Hills Science Diet, or Advantage brands is best. i've heard you can feed them raw meat...but as a ferret owner myself i wouldn't. my ferret adores cheerios. and i asked my vet about them and he said they're alright for him.

  5. Try some crackers that do not have a lot of other stuff on them like salt or sugar or etc...

    Or you can give them plain old white bread. Pretty much any kind of creature can eat that without getting sick.

  6. to answerer 1-only in a few states

    to answerer 2-DO NOT give them crackers, they need more protein than carbs as #3 said, you can also give them cat food until tomorrow, but i advise to get more than 1 bag of food for your ferret, i always buy 5 7 pound bags everytime i go and when im halfway thru my last one i buy more, also, you only have one? you should get him/her a friend! they do MUCH better in pairs or trios, which is why i have 3

  7. meat?

    cooked egg?

    ferrets need more protien than carbs so don't feed crackers, etc.   Do you have cat/kitten food on hand?

    look up home made "duck soup" for ferrets.  it's not literally duck, its just a recipe for sick ferrets- but would last you until tomorrow.

    ferrets have a high metabolism so get your baby's food ASAP.

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