
I have a few air planes/piggy banks from texico collectors i think how can i find out how much they are worth?

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I HAVE 2- 1927 Ford Tri Motor Mono Plane

1932 Northrop Gamma

1929 Curtis robin

1929 Lockheed Air Express

1930 Travel Air Model R Mystery Ship

1931 Stearman bi Plane

please help me Thank You




  1. Most people try to sell them for about 30 bucks or so. However, on ebay, unless you have something rare (you don't) you wont get more than 10, and more likely 7-8 fort each of them. Unfortunately, they are available almost everywhere, and even still from some fbo's who have a ton of them they can't give away

  2. Check out eBay. Good way to price collectors items

  3. Try putting it in a category that might get more answers.

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