
I have a few ideas of places to get free meals do you have any others?

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One place is churches. Catholic churches esp. the ones at university campuses offer free meals after mass. Also churches Will have free meals during special holidays like lent or advent. They may also have barbeque's. It pays to pay close attention to the weekly bulletin at your local church. Some other ideas that I have thought of but have not tried yet is sneaking into weddings and funerals. So do you know of any other ideas for a free meal????




  1. What is the reason you need free meals?? Wendy's, McDonald's all have $1 menus. Most large cities do have free meals at various places--if you need help with stretching your food dollar. Most cities also have food banks and will give you a food emrg box. Just wondering???

  2. this is pretty funny...except for the funerals. i guess any time you see a large crowd of people outside at a buffet, you can slip by without being noticed.

    one time we were in a busy mexian restaurant and one of us bought a burrito, then gave his receipt to a friend. the friend went up to the counter a few minutes later, showed the receipt and said, "i never got my burrito." they gave him one. BUT i didn't like that because it was taking advantage of a small restaurant. :(

  3. Wow, you're quite the mooch, aren't you?

    How do you get a free meal? Get A JOB at a restaurant.

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