
I have a few philosophy terms i need help with..thanks!?

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1. metaphysical identity

2. ethical identity

3. psychological compulsion

4. value experiment

5. race (as a component of personal identity)

and lastly

6. gender (as a component of personal identity)




  1. A general, basic opinion set:

    1.  Metaphysical idenity:  when the individual contemplates herself over time, finding a Kierkegaardian selfness and inner childlike identity over time, and a sense of "God is in this place."  This corresponds to the third of K's three spheres, "Religious."

    2.  Ethicial identity:  when the individual contemplates himself as a part of a social network.  This corresponds to the second of K's three spheres, "Ethic," and develops per awareness of cause and effect, intentionality.  (It is worth noting that K held all three spheres to be simultaneously present; the first of the three being the "Aesthetic" or existential now of sensible experience.)

    3.  Psychological compulsion is like "hard-wired for [something or other]."  There is a psycho-biological component which contributes to one's intention.

    4.  Value experiment:  a contrived scene in which the subject finds a range of possible actions.  What is selected indicates what one values or regards as "the good," "the ethical," etc.

    5.  Race:  a perceived construct usually based on biological and geographic, sometimes religious (e.g., Judaism), differentiations.  Race is sub-species, in that all humans are able to interbreed, i.e., produce viable children.

    6.  Gender:  a biological formation, in the human, into masculine initiative and direction, and feminine receptivity and completion.  It has been found consistent e.g. in infant monkeys, the females preferring to play with dolls, and the males with wheeled vehicles.  In humans, little girls, given only "Tommy Tractor" to play with, overwhelmingly prefer to cradle TT in a blanket, etc., while little boys, given only dolls, turn them into action figures.

    "A Philosophy of Universality," O. M. Aivanhov, and

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet, are worthwhile.

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