
I have a few questions about Michael Phelps?!?

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When the kids would tease him what would he do?

Did he ever fight?

What has ADHD really done to him?

What are the side affects of ADHD?

Thank you C=




  1. Did he ever fight???? u need to be askin him that not us. sorry to disappoint , u can check wikipedia for some GENERAL info on him .

    here's the page

  2. 1. his mom said in an interview that he came crying out of the pool when another kid that swam against him made fun of him about his ears. after winning gold medals, that kid came up to him and asked if Michael remembered him and said that we swam together. Michael replied with sorry, i don't think i know you.

    2. i don't think he fought them, but he treated them badly and spoke coldly to them. he probably talked back.

    3. he has a hard time learning and paying attention

    4. i don't know

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