
I have a few questions about auditioning for disney shows?

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My dream is to be a disney star. But about auditioning... what do I say at the auditions? What do I wear? And how do I audition? And is it better to maybe be in a play first to see how I like it? But if I did a play everything would have to be perfect, whereas if I was on TV we could have a few takes. Should maybe my first step to be in a commercial, then be an extra on a disney show then maybe be a star? Because I would also like to be in the Disney Channel Games. I watch it and it looks awesome. And if I was a TV star I wouldn't be bored all the time and I would have good friends.

And I would love being on TV cuz then I would be really rich and I could get like all the clothes I want and we could even live in a big nice house. But how can I talk to my parents about auditioning??




  1. Okay honey,

    Acting is HUGE Commitment. It takes time away from your family and friends.

    First off, try being in a play and see if you even like acting. And if you do and you think you could succeed Try it. It never hurts to try.

    And you should do it because it is what's you like to do and it's what you want to do, not because of the money or anything like that. If you do it for money, you're not going to have any fun.

  2. you can try looking for other smaller auditions just to get experience.  try this site: hollywood-opportunities(dotcom)

  3. There are many websites to find auditions for Disney shows, one is listed below. Be sure though that you can handle the pressure and you have the talent. But then again, its all really luck. For alot of auditions, before you even get a in person audition, you must send in a photo of yourself, then videos of yourself, then if you are very lucky you can audition in person. It also sounds like you want this for all the wrong reasons though...Be careful you can handle it, because it is not all fun and games. Like anything else, it is work. And fame is not all about the glitz and glamour, so take a long hard look at why you want to become famous. There are a lot of other people with the same dream, and they want it bad, really bad.

  4. If you really want to be a big star you first have to realize the reality of it. Everyone who watches the disney channel always sees how fun and how nice their hair and clothing is and how you wish you were one of them. There's alot more to it. It's not just that you can be really rich and get very nice clothing and live in a big house, all of these things come with the package. There is alot of conquences though that comew with it. Your personal life is eery where over the internet, pictures, but yes you could be a role model too. When you become a big time disney star alot opens and you have to live up to the pressure. Drugs, Fake Friends, Fans. If you want yoru life path to become one then you can. Just believe, its a leep of faith if you do become one millions of girls want to become.  

  5. Well being an actress is not just about the money and things like clothes and having a nice big house! You should honestly have a passion for it! :)

    But anyway if u want to get into acting i would suggest that u start being in plays and eventually take acting lessons and try to get an agent! I want to be an actress too! :)

    But i dont think u should narrow it down to JUST disney!

    Good Luck with ur career!!!

  6. You don't sound like you have the passion for performing. It's not about just doing it, you have to have training and experience! You want to become a "Disney star" for all the wrong reasons. My advice for you is to find something else you are passionate about that also makes a lot of money. There are a lot of people out there with the same goal that actually want it more that you, simply because they have devoted their lives to what they do. Plus, it would be harder to start when your out of High School. The older you are the less time you have to get experience. Plus, all their shows are about like people IN High School.. Just think about that before you try to get into the show business.  

  7. don't do it unless you can handle the pressure.

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