
I have a few questions about home schooling, college, etc. - Any help will be accepted!! :)

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Okay, I have a few questions.

1. If you are homeschooled, can you still get a diploma?

2. If you are homeschooled and don't have a diploma, do you think you can still get into a university if you have good SAT, GPA, etc.?

3. Should I become homeschooled and then do AP, honors, etc. or go to a public high school and only take regular classes. (The school that I go to now will not let me take honors/AP b/c I transfered there and you have to be in some sort of 'academy' from the start of 9th grade.)




  1. 1. Typically, yes.

    2. Whether people are homeschooled or not, plenty get into university without a diploma. Yes, things like SAT scores count. Depends on admissions standards for the universities in question.

    3. Depends on what's important to you. However, if you have enough time on your own to study AP subjects, you don't actually have to take AP classes to do the AP exams.

  2. 1. Yes, you can get a diploma. Your parents, the umbrella school or your online school will issue it when you have completed all your requirements.

    2. Colleges will want to see a diploma or GED in addition to your SAT/ACT scores. Another way to show that you are capable of college level work is to take some Community College Course while in High School. This is called dual credit and in most states you can get credit for both high school and college at the same time.

    3. If you decide to go public, I would certainly challenge the schools decision not to let you take honors courses. Appeal to the district office and school board. if your standardized tests are high enough they should let you into the higher level courses.  Community College Courses can achieve the same goal as AP courses.(see above)

    Many schools will not allow homeschoolers to take AP tests at their high school without completing the required courses. If you fail-they look bad and they don't want this.

    Best of Luck to You!


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