
I have a few questions about my baby?

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1. My daughter seems to have a stuffy nose, but nothing comes out when suctioned. I read that I can run the shower and sit with her in the bathroom so the steam helps break it up, any other suggestions? She isn't fussy, no fever, and no other problems...just stuffy.

2. I know that children this young (3 weeks) can't cry it my question is this. When she's crying and nothing is calming her down, is the most important thing that I can do is to just keep her in my arms and cuddle with her so she knows I'm there? I usually will walk around with her in my arms and talk to her so she hears my voice.

3. Due to some medical issues I can no longer breastfeed, I know that around week 3 babies go through a growth spurt and will cluster feed. Is that the same with formula fed babies? I just want to make sure I'm feeding her when she's hungry...not fussy or just wanting to suck.

4. And last but not least! Did anyone here NOT use a pacifier? If so, how did your child learn to comfort themselves, or what did you do? I'm trying to stay away from the use of a pacifier, but sometimes I know she just wants to suck and I don't want her to not have that need satisfied. (currently, she finds comfort from my pinky)




  1. I had my 1st baby 7 weeks ago. I also couldn't breastfeed due to health problems  & medicine from my delivery so she has always been formula fed. About the nose, I would ask the doctor. People keep telling me to let my baby cry it out but she won't. She's so stubborn! I just hold her & try to change positions with her to see what makes her the happiest- on my lap, over the shoulder, etc. My baby went through a growth spurt too! She was 6lbs 2oz & 19 inches when she was born & at her 1 month check up she was 10lbs & 23 inches!! I wondered how that was possible & thought maybe I was overfeeding her but the doctor said that's normal. Sometimes she'll want to eat alot, other times she will not want anything.  At first she didn't really want to use a pacifier, but I've tried to get her to use it because she would want to suck on the bottle to fall alseep & I dont want her to choke or even overeat just to fall asleep.  

  2. Does she cry a lot with little comfort?  I ask because that with the stuffy nose and nothing coming out are both symptoms of acid reflux.  But if you know that's not it try this...

    1. make sure you use Little Noses before you suction.  Nothing else you can do.

    2.If she's crying and you 100% sure that nothing is wrong and she doesn't need anything, yes comforting her the way your doing is all you can do.

    3. Yes, bottle fed babies do this too.  they eat a lot and sleep a lot through these groeth spurts.

    4. Yes, 3 of my kids did not use a pacifier.  #1$2 were just naturally calm and just self soothed automatically.  i think it helped that from the beginning they went to bed in their bed when it was time whether they were awake or alseep, and they just layed there for a few minutes and fell asleep.  #4 used his thumb and broke himself of it after 11 months.

    5.  Some babies need a pacifier.  if you've tried and tried and she is still not soothing and you know sucking will make it better, just give it to her and save yourself and her some upset, she will either break herself of it or you can take it away when you think it's time.

  3. 1. Try a saline spray before you suction.  Try a cool mist humidifier.

    2. Try different things.  Carry her in a carrier, try putting her in a bouncer, try putting her in a swing.  Swadding also helps fussy babies.

    3. Emma never cluster fed, but some babies do.  She was always a three hours eating baby.  Just feed her when she seems hungry.  If she seems to be eating a lot, try a paci and see if that satisfies her.

    4. You can help her find her hands and thumb if you don't want a paci, or she can suck on your finger.  Some babies do fine without anything to suck on....others have a high urge to suck.  It usually leaves between three to four months.

  4. 1) Your daughter's stuffy nose: Get a humidifier for her room(or the room she is in the most) and buy some mentholatum to put on her chest. These will help her breathe better

    2) Fussy Baby: Yes, what you are doing is great! Make sure that you aren't tense while holding her. The more relaxed you are, the most she'll be.

    3) Cluster Feeding: I am pretty sure that applies to both breatfed and non-breastfed babies. If your baby won't calm down when you are holding her for a while, it's ok to give her a bottle if it helps her to relax. You can't spoil a baby.

    4) Pacifiers: My baby never took to a passy, he just nursed. Since you aren't nursing, you could try to use the pacifier ONLY when you know she just wants to suck to relax. If you really don't want to use it, your pinky is fine. Normally, however, a baby only wants to suck when she is hungry.

    I hope this helped you. Good luck with your little girl!

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