
I have a few questions about periods.?

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I know pretty much all the things they teach you to know about periods in school, ext.

Well I got mine today, and It wasn't really anything like they taught me. So hopefully right now those out there can answer my questions.

1. Are you supposed to change your pad every time you bleed?

2. They told me it would do it once in a while each day. For mine it happens a whole lot more then that, like every half and hour or so. Maybe hour. Whats up with that?

3. Since your flow increases over night, do you have any tips for me, cause I dont have time to go out to the store and by overnight pads.

Thank you for those who answer my questions (:




  1. You should change your pad every few hours, depending on how heavy the flow is.  Your flow might be a little bit all day long, or it might drop a whole lot all at once (especially if you sneeze, laugh hard, or strain while on the toilet).

    You might change every 2-3 hours on a really heavy day; it might be only once or twice on a lighter day.  You just have to keep checking and see.  Always keep a spare with you in your purse, backpack, locker, and bathroom.

    For overnight, put a rag towel, something you can mess up and throw away, and put that down underneath your butt when you lay down.  It helps if you can position pillows so that you don't move around much in your sleep.  Eventually you learn how to hold yourself so that your pad stays close to your body at all times, and it becomes self-conscious.

    I guarantee you every woman has bled onto her sheets at least once in her life.  It would be good to find a female family member or trusted adult female (maybe a friend's mom) who can give you support and advice on this.

  2. Wow. I don't know what they taught you in school, but either you weren't listening or they were lying to you.

    1. No, you are not supposed to change every time you bleed. Also, your flow should be fairly regular and there should not be separate times that you bleed.

    2. I do not know what you are referring to when you say 'once in a while', but you will likely bleed for the better part of a week almost nonstop. Your flow will increase and decrease as it goes on, but eventually it will become more regular and even out. Also, I don't know much about pads because I use only tampons, but I would guess that you should only need to change the pads every 4-6 hours or so. Or when it becomes smelly or when it is obviously needing to be replaced. (i.e. your blood is seeping through the pad onto your underwear.)

    3. Generally, your flow will decrease overnight because you do not sleep on your feet or in another upright position, so gravity will only work so much on your blood. But because you do not want to wake up and have to change if your flow is too heavy, I would suggest purchasing some tampons. Large ones. Put one in at night and you should be able to simply change it in the morning. I have not had a good experience with pads and so, do not encourage you to use them, especially overnight and ESPECIALLY if you sleep on your side. They can be very messy, as the blood has to exit your body before it can be absorbed by the pad, spilling over your skin to reach the pad. It is disgusting.

    Basically, I hate pads, and suggest you to use tampons. They can stay in for 6-8 hours without needing to be replaced, based on the density of your flow. If you are afraid of contracting TSS or fear that a tampon will steal your virginity, well...look up the statistics of women actually dying from TSS and just know that a tampon is not lage or hard enough to break that cartilage that is broken during your first experience with sexual intercourse. (And I mean the traditional way, not with d****s or fingers or anything else you could dream up.)

    Pads suck. Tampons saved my life. Buy Midol. Hope this helps.

  3. yet you have time to post this????

  4. 1.  you bleed continuously so you need to change a pad pretty often.  hah i forget how many hours it should be cause i wear tampons but yeah haha.

    2.  everyone bleeds different.  but since its your first, it will probably change.

    3.  just in case, wear something you wouldn't mind getting bloody.  when i used pads, i just wore a regular one to bed and it was fine.  

    ha but yeah i'm 13 and i use tampons.  

  5. hey so your supposed to change it every 3-4 hours depending on how heavy it is .. and for night use one of your moms super pads for the night.. or ask your mom about this stuff. it helps.. she knows a lot believe it or not.. and it will make it less uncomfortable when you have more questions later.  

  6. well not really well every one is different.... because i don't change every time because is that not much. so maybe your period is different but most mos the time you have to be careful yeah you have to do it once in a while depends how your period is.

  7. usually the first time you get your period its alot more blood then you would normally get it ... dont worry . just put in a pad everytime you go to the bathroom... and no you dont need an overnight pad.. if it gets to be extreme try using 2 pads.. soon you should deffinatly try a tampon.

  8. You should change pads every 3-4 hours if it's a normal flow. If you have a heavy flow and you fill one up in an hour than you need to change it every hour because if you leave it on then it's going to start to smell and you're going to leak for sure. The flow should decrease towards the end of your period. As for what you should do tonight I think you should just put a towel over your sheets just in case you leak or put on 2 pads.

  9. Well, for the overnight one, just wear a thicker pad, or double the pads. It might be uncomfortable, but at least you don't bleed through.  

  10. ok i might not be much help because I'm a dude

    BUT i do have lots of female friends, & family members.

    One time i heard my older cousin helping my younger cousin, she said 1 tip for the bed is to get something thick and absorbent to lay down, like one of those hospital type quilts.

    That's about all i know about tips on this subject, I'm sorry i wasn't too much help!

  11. the pads that help most are the ones with wings

    they help the most

    with that change your pad about every 3-4 hours

    if you bleed alot, andthe pad is used up in half and hour use a thick pad,

    overnight use teh night pads.

    and another thing

    if it hurts alot

    there is one remedy

    its kind of gross but it works

    i tried if

    get a raw egg and eat it

    but as soon as  you put it in your mouth

    put some chocolate or somthing sweet to get rid of the egg flavor

    the pain will go away for 5-6 period then you have to eat another egg.

    i know its gross but if it hurts to much try this

    it really helps

  12. yet you have time to post this????


  13. 1) you don't have to change your pad every time you bleed, because for some of us that would be every 5 minutes, lol.  I usually change my pad when i'm going to the bathroom (unless the pad barely looks bloody, sorry for that image), or after 4 or so hours.  Change it more often if you seem to be bleeding a lot that day.

    2) I've never really understood that question...not your fault lol. It's just that i'm not sure how you would gauge how much it happens on an hourly or half hourly basis unless you spend most of your day checking.  Put the pad on, change it as described above, and don't worry about how much comes out when.  Your body knows what it's doing - some days may be light, some days you may bleed a lot...just change your pads accordingly and don't sweat it.

    3) You really should invest in some overnight pads, theyre the best thing for that.  But until then, try putting one pad at the front of your underwear and kind of overlapping the second pad near the back so that you're pretty covered from front to back.  You may leak though, so be prepared (and dont wear nice pajamas lol)

  14. The best for you would be to read everything about menstrual cycle and periods in website below.

    But I will try to reply shortly to your questions:

    1). YES

    2). pads should be changed according to the menstrual flow (several times a day)

    3). for night you can use any tissue (peaces of old sheets or old T-shirt)

  15. Sorry to hear about your mom. Are they older sisters? Ask them!

    Your period is more like a constant bleed, not off and on. You leave the pad on for a few hours and change it. Sometimes you have to change it more often than each time you pee. My flow STOPS when I am sleeping but gets REALLY heavy when I first wake up, so it depends on the person. Put a towel down under you at night if you are freaked out about bleeding all over the sheets.

    Oh, and on a side note: you can clean blood up with peroxide if you happen to need to do so :)

  16. I don't know what your talking about but will have all the answers to your questions

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