
I have a few questions about the law of attraction?

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ok has the law of attraction helped you out?

does the law of attraction work on things simply impossible and succeed? what i'm, saying is really impossible, like changing your current situation, your lifestyle, a person's personality, body, or habit and thoughts?

do you have any stories to share regarding this issue?

do "miracles" happen due to it?

if wishing will help, won't people simply get whatever they wish for and the world will be such a better place?

please just tell me whatever you know or want to share about it. i'm very interested in listening.

and i really believe in it, it sounds scientific to me.




  1. If you can control your mind, it can work.

  2. It may work for small things, for example you can wake up at an exact time you wanted in the morning .Or if you want to learn something, it is possible to see its solve by your own.It is because your realization level is high when you say yourself "I am looking for ...........'s solve".

    But I do not know how it can work for huge problems...If you believe such rules, is it bad for you?I do not know.I mean, perhaps you need take professional help from someone and sometimes to believe too much, may not be enough...

  3. its not a wish, its a mind set....remember when you where a kid, and every day was fun.why do you think that is????

    i passed a woman in the park,she was walking and i was on my bike.she had so much energy, when i said high to her, i felt the lift...

    she was walking and smiling for no reason.get it...

  4. We are here to manifest our heart's desire. Another way of saying this is..God always grants us His will. When you know your true desire, God's will, there is no work or effort involved. "My yoke is easy and my burden is light."

    The problem lies with the desires of the ego being laced within your wishes. Purification is the process by which we clean out the ego.

  5. I read a book called The Secret it's all about the law of attraction and something I things might come true one day. Like it says if you believe you are(example)overweight then you are and will be overweight.It also had a website and you go on and you can print stuff out, like a check and you fill it out to your self with how ever much you wish you had.

    I would tell myself I'm not overweight I dropped 15 lbs that first week,just because I said that and then stopped saying it I gained it back.So I think simple thing it would work but if you believe hard enough so it may work for your bigger goals. I have never seen it done.

  6. Yahoo! Answers really should introduce a pseudoscience category for these questions.  Look, the 'law of attraction' is bullshit.  There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to suggest that the universe is conscious and gives you things if you pretend you have them.  A general sense of optimism might make you feel happier, but that's about it.  

  7. I don't believe the Law of Attraction is so much a new life as it is a fake reality. If the world only had to "fully hope for something" (whatever that really means) to attain it, then life would be such an easier game. So I think the law isn't really focussed on gaining a material or wish but rather being completely comftorable with your current surroundings. Once you are happy for your life as it is without any uneeded stress or anxiety built up, then it is much easier to change it. Your outlook on the world does not change immedietly and most people give up before giving it time.

    Overall, I'd say the Law of Attraction is able to change your life; for the good or the bad though is always up to you.

  8. Well good for you if you believe in it, as long as you are not too disappointed with the results.

    This theory has been bandied around under different names for centuries.

    'The Secret' was a mega-hyped movie about the "Law of Attraction" that created a lot of interest in 2007 because it involved 'big names' in the self-help industry as well as Oprah. It was also part of a marketing scam.

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