
I have a few questions about the movie Saving Private Ryan?

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I don't mean to be disrespectful if my questions sound like I am.

Why did the Germans set up the weird large pieces of medal on the beaches of Normandy?

What Did the Captain mean when he he said "All the beach has been pre-sighted, if you stay here you're a dead-man"?

How did the Allies set that huge fire in the room?

Why did "Fish" cry when he saw the Hitler youth knife?

"Why did Private Jackson have that look on his face when they brought out the (please let me spell this right) ban galores?

Why did always someone seem to die when they surrendered?





  1. The Large pieces of metal are I believe tank traps, so that Allies will have a hard time bringing vehicles up the beach.

    I think pre-sighted means that it has been targeted by the artillery so that they can fire on that location.

    They used a flame thrower.

    Don't remember the next two questions because its been a long time since I saw the movie.

    There are rules in war that when some one surrenders they must be taken as prisoners, but many times they would just be killed, either because the troops didn't see them surrender or because they just wanted to kill them.

    It has been awhile since I saw the movie so I cant answer movie specific questions, and I don't know how accurate I am on the other questions, but I hope this helps.

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