
I have a few running questions?

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I am only 14 and i run cross country. my fastest mile is 4:54. My fastest 2 mile is 10:13. My fastest 5k (3.1 mile) is 17:13. R those good times for my age.




  1. o yea those r excellent times, and if u keep training those times will only get better, good luck

  2. yeah! I run like a 5:10-20 and they put me up with the juniors. Im a 14 too

  3. those r really good, good job!

  4. I think freshmen is about the same age as 14, so I coach a few freshmen on my team.

    My best freshmen runs a 4:29 in indoor and 9:40 in outdoor.

    But most of my freshmen runners are around the 4:50 - 5:00 area.

  5. yeah! that's really really good.  keep up the good work, and good luck with the rest of the season!

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