
I have a few serious boxing questions and waiting for a serious answers.>>

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike actually quite short and it is a disadvantage to me when i i want to grow tall,will jump rope make me grow taller?

2.i am feeling pain on my left kidney area,i am worry whether is it just muscle pain as i am training slipping moving side to side,or is there something wrong my kidney?And for ur info i do not have any sparring sessions for the past few weeks.

3.i am 14 years old 45kg 162cm tall,am i consider very light for my age?if so,how to grow heavier?

4.i did 35 push ups in 1 min,is it good enough ?




  1. Serious answers:

    1. Growing tall is almost entirely based on genetics, proper posture during your waking hours, proper nutrition, and stretching. Jumping rope is neither of those so it won't help at all whatsoever.

    2. The pain is either over-training, not enough stretching, or something else. You can help relieve it by resting more often as well as spending more time stretching out that muscle before you use it.

    3. Nothing is considered too light or too heavy since your body will drastically change in the next 10 years. Just work on getting in shape. Getting "heavy" has many disadvantages. Many "heavy" guys simply get fat when they get older whereas the skinny guys become "lean muscle" when they get older. Heavy people have all sorts of joint problems and knee problems and etc, etc, etc,. The list goes on. Be happy with what you have.

    4. 35 push-ups in 1 min is not amazing. I can do over 50 in thirty seconds and even then, there are still a dozen guys in my Army platoon who could do more.

  2. 35 push ups in 1 min!!?!? holy sh*t. you gotta get better son.

  3. Jump roping will not make you grow taller ... your only 14 most men have their biggest growth spurt in their high school years so you will grow a lot the next few yrs... just make sure you take care of your body and eat right... doing too much weight lifting could slow your growth too.... stick to the cardio workouts  

  4. All that will work is a "Board Stretcher".... now you can tell your dad to pick one up for you at Home Depot.  Make sure he gets the 14 gauge one you don't want nothing less than a 14 gauge board stretcher.  Then tell him that you need a snipe bag and some light bulb socket grease as well........ he'll know why you need the snipe bag and socket grease once you tell him to pick up the board stretcher.  A Board Stretcher is the only thing that'll help you grow.  The English used to use the board stretcher all the time when they "draw and quarter" criminals stretching their bodies until their arms and legs popped off of course, but you don't want that to happen so you'll need the snipe bag and light bulb socket grease to help prevent dismemberment.  If your dad ain't smart enough to figure out why you need the snipe bag and the socket grease then explain to him that you don't want to get dismembered by the board stretcher.  They also use the board stretcher at lumber mills to lengthen per-cut 2 x 4's with.  So make sure you tell your old man to pick one up man.... he'll know what to do with it in order to help you grow taller.  It is very painful, but well worth it to have a board stretcher handy for just such a need.  

    Good luck  [Best Answer]

  5. Jumping rope wont make u grow taller. The pain is probably from the slipping and bobbing training. I still get that feeling every now and then. At your age, 35 push-ups is very good. You could stand weight lifting but don't train like a bodybuilder. It'll get you too bulky and slow u down in the ring.  

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