
I have a few spots in my carpet how can I get them out??

by  |  earlier

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I had planned to get a cleaning company to come out but my money was taken from me so now I can't. What can I use to get these carpet stains out??




  1. Take some bleach and throw it on the floor where the spots are and say Yahh Trick Yahh!!!!!!!!!!!! and it will majically disappear.

  2. bleach

  3. try rubbing straight vinegar on the spot and then rinsing with water.

  4. To remove most any spots on carpeting use a small amount of Shaving Cream on the spot and rub in until it disappears wait until dry then vacuum up or remove with a small amount of warm water on a cloth and allow to dry do not saturate carpeting. Good Luck !

  5. I used alcohol--thing with that, white spots will be left

  6. try rubbing vinegar

    rubbing ice also works

  7. Do not use bleach. You will just end up with white spots instead of stains.

    My grandma swears by Windex. I have tried it, and it works pretty well.

    Good Luck!

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