
I have a few tickets but i dont think theyr'e warrants can i still get my texas id?

by  |  earlier

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I have a few tickets but i dont think theyr'e warrants can i still get my texas id?




  1. Would you believe that what you think is not as important as what the Court thinks?

    Call the cops and ask...there may be a way out of this without you doing any time.

  2. yea

  3. well to be honest no you can not get your id .depending on how old the tickets are and if you have paid them or if you went to the quart on the date you was told to go if you didn't you do have warrants they issue the warrant's the very next day they are called bench warrants and if you go to get you id they will come and arrest you it would be better to call your local pd office and find out how much the tickets are for and just pay them but dint call until you have plenty of money to cover the tickets because they may try and take you into jail pending the tickets being paid so have the money so you can just pay right then and jail time and you get your id

  4. if they are unpaid,and you failed to appear,they are now warrants.grow up,pay your obviously lost your license,so maybe you should reconsider the whole"driving thing" completely,some people dont belong behind the wheel of a lawnmower much less a vehicle.

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