
I have a five year old guinea pig. Recently it has begun to start breathing heavily.?

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I have a five year old guinea pig. Recently he has begun to start breathing heavier than usual, and curls up in a corner. He also seems cold when he comes in.

He has a variety of fruits and mostly veg for a diet, with food pellets too. He is always eager to go outside for grass, and eats most of his food. He is constipated but we do give him special liquid to help this. He isn't lonely as we have another younger guinea pig, but keep them in separate cages next to one another as they fight.

Have you any idea if the heavy breathing is serious?




  1. IHe is getting up there in age. Although most of my piggies lived to the ripe old age of 8 or 9, it sounds like pnemonia to me. Once they get sick there's not much you can do. Please take him to the vet they will give him meds if he needs it but be prepared just in case. Give him lots of love. Sorry that he's not feeling well.

  2. I think he's trying to say he's dying, how old can they grow to be? IDK

  3. take him to the vets it will most probable be his age x  

  4. He could be under stress? I am not sure, but I know people who do know: vets.

    You should probably take him to one. That is all I could suggest for something that out of the ordinary. Good luck and I hope this helps!

  5. take him to a vet and make sure he has vitamin C in his diet everyday like oranges, clementines, nectarines, etc. and also make sure hes eating hay because hay is really important for a guinea pig.

  6. dont worry too much my guinea pig was 5 and she started to breate heavily too and her squeaking began to sound weird she did all the same things as yours is.

    i wouldnt take her to a vet if i was you coz sometimes they put them down for no reason.

    its just a sign of them getting older it isnt anything to worry about  my guinea pig is still with us and she began to seem weird about a year ago.

    the best thing to do is give him lots of warm bedding hold him and let him know he is loved and that should make him better.

      !!!Hope he gets better soon!!!     gud luk

  7. Take him to the vet soon. I'm sorry he is so withdrawn. Give a quarter of an orange. I'm thinking that he has a respiratory problem as URI. Cover half of his cage with a towel or blanket. make sure you change his water daily to fresh cool water. If there is a sort of "gel" like substance in his bottle, empty it and put hot water and two tablespoons or so of rice and shake vigorously. That should take care of the gunk. Again, take him ti the vet and explain his condition. It would be good to weigh him, too. He should weigh about 2lbs 6oz, if not, the vet should do that.  

  8. five to seven is usually the limit for how old they live. however, changing his diet might help. fruits/veggies should not be the main food for it. their diet should be 70% hay, 20% pellet, and 10% fruits and vegetables. also, make sure he's getting vitamin C with his food and that your grass has no pesticides/sprays on it.


  9. take him to the vet.

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