
I have a flat screen tv. I am wondering how to hide the cords, cable box, & dvd player?

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I heard that it is was some way you could hide the boxes & all by using a wireless sensor. If thats true, how do I get it and what is it called? Thanks.




  1. If you put the electroncis in a cupboard you can still control them with what is called an IR Extender. This can be as simple as a small IR sensor (IR Flasher) on a wire that plugs into some components to allow remote sensing of the signal from the remote (You mount the sensor in a small hole on the front of the cabinet hiding the components). Or it can be a small RF receiver that receives a signal from a transmitter that in turn picks up the original remote control signal. The RF receiver converts the remote control signal back to IR and an IR flasher illuminates the sensor on the component. See the link for one guide, or Google "IR+Extender".

    In terms of hiding the cords the easiest is to enclose them in a wiring channel (Wiremold or similar). These are white plastic strip closures that stick to the wall and enclose the wires. See 2nd link.

    Alternatively you can hide the wires in the wall (maybe even take them through into a closet behind) and down to the floor or wherever. The wires have to be rated for in-wall installation. You can also install flush wall outlets (like electrical outlets) for a professional look.

  2. You would think for all the money you pay for this stuff that their marketing staff and production people would take this c**p into consideration and find a way wouldn't you??

  3. The power cord you can hide by routing it through the wall (I'm guessing yours is hanging on the wall?)  If you search online you'll find some links to DIY projects to install power cables in your wall.  You can't just stick any cable in the wall because of building codes, so you'd have to look into the codes in your area.  I think the article as on Lifehacker, though I could be mistaken.

    The wireless sensor you're talking about is a wireless video transmitter.  It uses the 2.4GHz band to transmit data wirelessly from the base to the receiver.   Radioshack, Bestbuy and the like probably carry 1 or 2 models.  Sorry I can't be more help with this, as I haven't used one, and I'm not sure of the quality loss involved with streaming the data.

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