
I have a flight on the 3rd, and it says 'one stop' in Phoenix...But I don't switch planes? Why?

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On September 3rd, I fly from Detroit to San Fran but my itinerary says the plane makes one stop in Phoenix but it doesn't say anything about me changing planes...So do we just sit on the plane for that extra hour and 17 minutes? What happens?




  1. It depends on if the crew is continuing on or if you are getting a new crew in phoenix during the layover. If you are getting a new crew in phoenix you will have to disembark the plane and hang out in the airport for the layover, if the crew is staying on for the second leg you will be staying on the plane while the phoenix travelers disembark and the san fran travelers load up.

  2. Well you can get off the plane with everyone else, stretch your legs, walk around, just get back on the plane. They're probably refilling the tanks and fixing things and new passengers are replacing the old ones. If it says the same flight then I guess you stay on it, but if youre super paranoid then ask a flight attendant or someone like that.  

  3. They stop to pick up passengers, fill the tanks, and sometimes to change crews.

  4. They should let you deplane.  It could be for refueling, pilot flight hour limitations or to take on more passengers or release those few who are going to Phoenix.

  5. The aircraft that you will be on will fly from Detroit to Phoenix, unload and load passengers, and go on to San Francisco. You will be allowed to deplane and walk around and reboard the aircraft and then fly on to San Francisco. You can just sit and wait in your seat if you wish. While in Phoenix, the aircraft will unload and load passengers involved with Phoenix. It will also be fueled and the cargo and baggage for the Phoenix passengers will be unloaded, and loaded again with San Francisco cargo and baggage.

    Having the aircraft stop in Phoenix allows the aircraft to serve two cities from Detroit. Most flights, in fact, serve more than one city.

    Back in the 1960's, Eastern Airlines had a flight that left Detroit about 5AM and flew to Cleveland, Akron, Charleston, WV, and went on to every city that Eastern served between Charleston and Miami. The aircraft made 22 stops between Detroit and Miami. The aircraft used was a Convair 340, a twin-engine propeller-driven aircraft that held about 40 people. It was scheduled to arrive in Miami at 10PM. Those were the days!



  6. It's called a "through" flight, meaning the "flight number" remains the same. Actually many people are fooled by a through flight. Some think it's non-stop, others think they don't change planes.

    Actually you could change planes, I even seen people change concourses on a through flight.

    I wish airlines would do away with "through" flights, they cause much more confusion than they are worth.

  7. Yes, usually you just sit on board while new passengers board, or some get off.  It usually won't take long, unless specified.  If the layover is long, they might let you get off and walk around, but usually not.  You can ask for clarification when you check in.  Have a good trip.

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